5 Simple Visual Hacks To Enhance Content Readership

Visual Hacks To Enhance Content Readership
© Linda Ashok
Summary: Almost every blogger expects high traffic to their blog/s. But unfortunately, despite the content being informative and entertaining, it lacks readership.

Attracting More Readers For Content Is Now Easy

As content marketing professionals, can we do anything to improve content readership? Yes. In this article, you will learn 5 simple hacks to enhance your content readership and attract more traffic than before. You can do a lot of justice to content marketing investment by strengthening the visual quotient of your website/blog. And, interestingly, you don't have to be a design expert, your creative enthusiasm will suffice. A content marketer can take it upon themselves to deliver this.

5 Areas To Focus On To Enhance Content Readership

1. Colour

An ad by Accenture once went viral. It showed how a chameleon tricked insects by changing the shape of its tongue from a fork to a flower. I say this to suggest how you can be innovative with your website color palette. Millennials mean business and they mean fun. So, consider breaking the convention by experimenting with bright pastel shades. It does not matter if you are a B2C or a B2B company or an individual blogger, your website must be bright and brilliant to attract the energy of the internet world. Using bright colors does not indicate sub-standard content. Your content is still going to be as informative and useful as it was before the color shift.

2. Font

Whether it is the font on your website or your blog, you should use an easily readable font. Your font size should be such that one does not have to make an effort to read your content. The content will automatically permeate the eyes, intrigue the brain, and have the person focus on your message. Asking you to increase your website font size does not mean you should increase it so much that the scroll bar miscommunicates the length of the article to the reader. You can use Montserrat 16-18 for the body of the content and League Spartan Bold 20-24 for Title. The title and body font should be proportionate across your website or your blog.

3. Text Distribution

Once you got your color and font right, it is the turn for your content. I am not talking about the quality of content, but visual aesthetics. Here, I would recommend you to focus on content text distribution. You can take this article, for example. In this article, you can see that my paragraphs are evenly distributed. This strategy is friendly for a reader who feels encouraged to at least browse through the essential points. If you have to write a 1200-word article, structure it in your mind. One hundred words for the introduction and another hundred words for the conclusion. In between, distribute the remaining 1000 words into 6-8 paragraphs.

4. Visuals For Content Readership

Designing visuals is the most exciting part for me as a writer/blogger. I am not an art college graduate, and so I don't claim mastery in my visual renditions. So here it is. One way is to use stock images, which may be expensive for a startup or a mid-size company. You are maybe using free stock images from Unsplash, PixaBay, and others by attributing credit to the website or the original artist. But, pause for a while and think if your blog can further customize the visual experience and produce unique artwork for every blog. You can create Gifs, graphs, memes, and super short videos for sure. Scour the internet, create transparent elements, and collate them to create visual collages. Imagine the impact!

5. Advertisement

Advertisements are visuals designed by the advertising company for display on your website for a share of your traffic for monetary benefit. If you are using Google Adwords, you have no control over the design of the advertisements. But if you are a high authority website, you can always dictate your terms to suggest color palette and font for the design of the ad, if not the design elements. Canva, as you know, is an excellent platform for design inspiration. You can use Canva templates to design ads for the content your advertiser wants to be displayed on your website. This process will ensure design consistency across your website/blog.


Did you know that big four companies recruit art directors for designing their content? Companies, like Canva, are serious proponents of design presentation. Content presentation is as important as the content itself. If great visuals are a reason to fetch you good traffic, would you not consider it? I can tell you that even the banalest content can be made to appear like a Harvard Business Review editorial just through the content presentation.

Originally published on August 25, 2019