Why Visual Design Is Critical In eLearning

Why Visual Design Is Critical In eLearning

Why Visual Design Is Critical In eLearning

Visual Design In eLearning

Yes, it's true. Learning content can also be beautiful—and visual designers are the people we should thank.

Why Is Visual Design Important In The Learning Industry, And Especially In eLearning?

A very important factor for learning to happen is the motivation of learners. According to Keller’s ACRS principle of motivational learning, the first element that motivates learners is attention. What grabs attention more than a piece of great visual design? The same content can come to life if it is designed in a visually immaculate way rather than as plain, simple content. While learning still happens at the core through content, visual design plays one of the most significant roles in keeping learners hooked on a course.

The eLearning sector distinguishes itself from traditional learning content in its visual and interactive design. So, the role of a visual designer becomes even more important for an eLearning service provider. Visual designers play a key role in eLearning content in several ways:

Visual Design And Learning Experience

We have moved into an era where learning is not seen as an isolated, mandatory activity. Learning nowadays is seen as a part of life and a lifelong process. Learning is now being treated as a life experience. No wonder Learning Experience Design is the future of the learning domain. When we talk about the learning experience, a prime component of it is visual design:

None of these are even remotely possible without the help of visual designers. It is rightly said that visual design has the capability to make or break a great learning experience.  As eLearning is a visual medium of instruction, any learning experience without great visual design is bound to be ineffective, if not fail. eLearning courses must leverage the true potential of visual design, and the onus lies with none other than the visual designer.

Visual Design And The Psychology Of Instruction

In addition to the innate ability to gain attention, visual design also plays a critical role in enhancing learning elements in several ways. Some these include, but are not limited to:

The principles of Prägnanz, as formulated by the great learning psychologists of Gestalt, emphasize the role of visual perception, which can be utilized to enhance learning. Gestalt’s principles are widely used to enhance the effectiveness of learning through the use of visual elements.

A Word Of Caution

With so many advantages, visual designers run the risk of going overboard with a visual strategy that suppresses the actual learning content. It is critical to remember that the ultimate goal of learning and visual design should enhance learning content rather than suppress it.


There is no doubt that visual design plays a critical role in eLearning development. This makes it even more important for visual designers to take responsibility and create a great learning experience.

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