10 Easy Steps To Get Started With 1-to-1 Programs

10 Easy Steps To Get Started With 1-to-1 Programs

10 Easy Steps To Get Started With 1-to-1 Programs

10 Steps To Follow Before Launching 1-to-1 Programs

A successful 1-to-1 program give learners the opportunity to supplement their education and benefit from a complete eLearning experience. In addition, 1-to-1 programs also allow learners to learn more about the technical tools they have at their disposal, so that they can take full advantage of virtual resources in every aspect of their lives. In this article, I’ll show you how to get started with a 1-to-1 program in ten easy steps.

  1. Research successful 1-to-1 programs before creating your own strategy.
    The first step in creating and deploying a successful 1-to-1 program is to research case studies and visit other learning institutions who have implemented 1-to-1 programs. If at all possible, schedule an interview, so that you can learn what they did right and what they wish they’d done differently when rolling out their program. Also, check online to see if there are any schools who have posted their results or insights since launching the 1-to-1 program.
  2. Learn more about the expectations and limitations of your learners and educators.
    Speak with as many people as possible, both learners and educators/facilitators, to find out what they expect from your 1-to-1 program. What do they hope to achieve? Do they have a clear idea of what the program entails? What will your 1-to-1 eLearning environment look like and what will everyone be able to do once all learners and educators have their own devices? This is also the time to talk about the budget and what you can realistically spend on the 1-to-1 program.
  3. Build your team and identify their key roles.
    Begin building your team of educators and tech experts before you begin developing the structure of your 1-to-1 program, as you will want them to be involved in every step of the process. In addition, clearly define the role of each member of the team. What will they be expected to do and when? How will they fit into the planning and development stages and will they require any technical training before you roll out the program in full force?
  4. Determine your program goals and objectives.
    As is the case with all successful educational programs, you need to have preferably measurable learning goals and objectives in place. What are the learning goals that you hope to achieve in every subject? Coordinate with the head of every department to gain a better understanding of the specific objectives they have in mind. Then, develop a mission statement around these objectives and goals.
  5. Develop a list of supported devices.
    It’s important to create a list of all the devices you would like to support in your 1-to-1 program. Again, this will greatly depend upon the budget, as well as the needs of your learners and their tech experience. Keep in mind that this device will serve as an invaluable tool in every subject. Have a list at-the-ready, then, narrow down your list of choices by speaking with learners, educators and administrators to get their feedback. Also, if learners are expected to bring their own devices and you are creating your own online materials and eLearning courses, create a list of supported platforms on hand.
  6. Take time to build a solid infrastructure.
    Bear in mind that creating a successful 1-to-1 program infrastructure is a time consuming process which can take several months. After you’ve done your research, created a mission statement and guidelines, and defined goals and objectives, it’s time to build a solid infrastructure. Before you bring out the tablets, you’ll need to have high-speed Internet/Wi-Fi in every classroom or have a specially designated Wi-Fi area.
  7. Identify how the devices will be used in the educational setting.
    Just like any other learning tool, you have to know how devices fit into the overall plan. What purpose will they serve, and how will they be used to enhance the educational experience for your learners? Do all of your learners already know how to use tablets and access applications or will you need to offer training beforehand? Clearly define the role of the device in the learning environment, so that there is no confusion about why they are there and what they can offer to learners.
  8. Formulate a realistic roll-out timeline.
    Be realistic when you are creating your implementation timeline. While you may want to start using devices next month, training, budget concerns and other issues may delay your plans. It’s often best to gradually roll out the program. Test the waters and remedy any problems before you invite every learner to participate.
  9. Give facilitators and instructors the opportunity to explore the new program.
    Your educators are going to be on the “front line” of the 1-to-1 program deployment. As such, you’ll want to ensure that they are familiar with how to use the technology most effectively by giving them the opportunity to explore the program in advance, ideally, several months before the roll out. Schedule meetings with them to address any concerns or questions, and direct them to videos, articles and other 1-to-1 program sites that can offer them more information about the program.
  10. Continually monitor and improve your 1-to-1 strategy.
    After you’ve deployed your 1-to-1 program to a handful of learners and educators, get their feedback so that you can continually improve your strategy. View test results to see if their performance has been improving or hold focus groups to determine how the new 1-to-1 program has benefited them in and out of the classroom.

Follow these 10 simple and straightforward steps to develop and launch successful 1-to-1 programs for your audience.

Are you looking for ways to create a successful mobile learning strategy? Read the article How To Create A Successful Mobile Learning Strategy: 6 Secrets For eLearning Professionals  where I 'll shed some light on the secrets behind developing a mobile learning strategy that is on target and offers your audience a memorable and compelling mobile learning experience.

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