7 Tips To Create The Perfect eLearning Conditions

7 Tips To Create The Perfect eLearning Conditions
Summary: In traditional learning environments the décor, room layout, and study spaces all play pivotal roles. eLearning may lack all of these physical attributes, but there are a wide range of other factors to consider when creating the perfect eLearning conditions. In this article, I'll highlight 7 tips to help you develop the ideal setting for your eLearning course. 

How To Create The Perfect eLearning Conditions

Every piece of text, image, graphic, and color you use contributes to the overall atmosphere of your eLearning course. These components come together to form the eLearning environment that surrounds your audience, which can either help or hinder their success. For this reason, you must think very carefully about every design element you choose, or choose to leave out, for that matter. Here are 7 top tips for creating the perfect eLearning conditions for your eLearning experience.

  1. Define expectations early on.

    Online learners tend to feel a bit uneasy if they don't know what's in store for them. It's essential to highlight the benefits, takeaways, and applications well in advance. You should also make them aware of your expectations, such as the level of participation that is required and the timeframe for eLearning course completion. It's also wise to discuss the repercussions if they don't hold up their end of the bargain. For example, what measures will they need to take if they don't pass an exam or meet the proficiency standards? Defining expectations in the very beginning will give online learners the chance to track their progress and set their personal goals, as well, which boosts motivation and engagement.

  2. Eliminate common distractions.

    Distractions can come in many forms, from a chaotic eLearning course design to external noises that prevent the online learner from actively participating. While you may not have control over some of these distractors, it's important to minimize or completely eliminate the ones that are within your control. Make sure that all of your images, graphics, and multimedia elements are compelling, but not controversial, and that your audio narrations are completely audible. For example, using a voiceover artist with an unusual accent or monotone voice might serve as a distraction for some online learners.

  3. Create a clutter-free eLearning course layout.

    Your eLearning course design has a significant impact on the eLearning environment. A cluttered eLearning course layout that features an abundance of images, bold colors, and lengthy text blocks has the power to increase stress levels and overwhelm online learners. On the other hand, a well-organized layout can put online learners at ease and allow them to focus on the task at hand. Stick to three or four colors, only use images that are relevant, and frame your text and graphics with a sufficient amount of white space. Before you launch your eLearning course do one last walk through to make sure that everything is in its place and remove any extraneous eLearning content that clutters the overall aesthetic.

  4. Integrate background audio.

    Background music can inspire online learners and create a specific mood. It also helps them to build an emotional connection with the subject matter, especially if they are auditory learners. It's vital to choose the right tracks, however, and to identify the mood you want to convey. For example, one classical track might evoke a sense of calm and peace, while another might make online learners feel uneasy or anxious. There are a number of royalty free music sites where you can find background music for your eLearning course, and many eLearning authoring tools feature tracks in their asset libraries. Bear in mind that background audio should be used in moderation. Avoid loud tracks and give your online learners the ability to control the volume controls, just in case they prefer to train in silence.

  5. Give online learners a break.

    Online learners need time to fully absorb, assimilate, and reflect upon the information in your eLearning course. For this reason, you must give them periodic breaks where they can step away from the eLearning course and let their minds soak up the knowledge. To improve knowledge retention you might even consider spacing your eLearning activities or modules. Online learners can take their time completing each activity and then move onto the next when they're ready. They don't feel the pressure to keep up with their peers, which contributes to a positive and supportive eLearning environment.

  6. Use images to inspire and motivate.

    Images have the ability to convey a variety of different emotions, which is why you should choose them carefully. To create the perfect eLearning conditions opt for inspirational and motivational photos that feature positive imagery. Peruse a variety of different photo sites to see which items catch your eye and immediately convey a certain feeling or tone. Generally your first impression is what matters most. Your online learners are probably going to quickly scan the photo and then move on, which means that it has to deliver the message quickly and clearly.

  7. Develop a supportive eLearning culture.

    This is one of the most effective ways to create a positive eLearning environment. Every member of your audience must feel like they are part of something bigger, a supportive learning culture that prompts them to become lifelong online learners. Develop a mentorship program or support system that gives them the assistance they need when they need it. Create an online forum or social media page where they can gather online to discuss topics and address their concerns. Most importantly, stress the importance of ongoing education and online training by offering them resources that they can use on their own time.

Every online learner has different preferences and needs, which means that you may have to consider additional factors when creating the perfect eLearning conditions. However, these 7 tips can get you off to a great start and help you create a solid foundation for your audience to build upon.

For developing the perfect eLearning conditions it's important not only to create a positive eLearning environment but also support an online learning community. Read the article 7 Tips To Support Online Learning Communities to discover everything that can help you maintain a thriving online learning community, the backbone of any successful eLearning program.

Originally published on May 7, 2016