eLearning Marketing Articles

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March 26, 2013

How To Build Instructional Videos

Tutorials are an effective way to deliver how-to knowledge on very well defined subject. There are plenty of tutorials on the internet on virtually any subject, from how to bake bread to how to solve a mathematical problem to how to perform an operation with a particular software.
by Paolo Leva
March 24, 2013

Using Data To Ease The Grading Process - An Educator's Perspective

I have become an educator and I am teaching a Spanish MOOC with over 1,000 students! They submit weekly assignments that are to be hand graded, and I alone simply cannot meet the task of grading these assignments. Obviously there is no silver bullet, and no proven technology to automatically grade writing assignments. So, out of necessity, we developed a process to ease our burden as teachers grading assignments.
by Scott Rapp
March 18, 2013

Educational Pinball - Comparing eLearning To A Game Of Pinball

Recently I had been trying to think of an effective way of visualising the e-learning process and the mechanics behind it, which would allow me to give a more considered approach for the courses on which I am working, and strengthen the effectiveness of the learning content. In addition, this would help me improve my ability to clearly explain the reasoning behind my course material development.
by Mark Nathan Willetts
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