eLearning Marketing Articles

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March 11, 2013

7 Important Tips For Training Success After It Ends

Speak to any learning officer within an organization and he/she will surely tell you that two of the biggest challenges they face are getting their employees to retain the knowledge they received during the initial training sessions, and beyond that to apply that knowledge to practical skills and daily tasks.  It's not an easy thing to answer, and there are no simple solutions.  But here are seven tips toward achieving that objective.
by Jason Silberman
March 10, 2013

Business Opportunities Around MOOC

MOOC (massive open online courses) become popular more and more. Lots of people are involved in a discussion about MOOC. E-Learning portals publish news and press releases related to MOOC every day. Millions of students learn courses and leave their feedback. One of most popular discussions related to MOOCs is about if is this possible MOOCs replace traditional higher education. 
by Roman Gelembjuk
March 9, 2013

Video As A Learning Tool: A Mixed Blessing?

Do you think the use of video during the instructional process helps or distracts the learner? Is video a mixed blessing? In our world of e-Learning, video has become an important element in the eLearning process as, according to research, visual demonstration of something new can lead to successful results. Yet, many eLearning developers hesitate to use this powerful tool. But is this hesitation an unfounded fear?
by Christopher Pappas
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