What Is A CMO? The Head Of Marketing Role Explained (And Tips To Be Successful)

What Is A CMO? The Head Of Marketing Role Explained (+Tips To Be Successful)
Summary: Have you ever thought about why some companies succeed while others fall into obscurity? Simply put, it's all the head of marketing. Find out what a CMO does and which skills are necessary for them to excel in their position.

A Complete Guide To Being A CMO Or Head Of Marketing

Many marketing job descriptions may sound similar, but in reality, they differ significantly. So, what does a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) or head of marketing do? How do they help a company reach its revenue and overall growth goals? As a marketing leader, you must understand brand marketing, pricing, communications, and public relations perfectly. This way, you can oversee all marketing processes and delegate tasks to specific project managers. Increasing revenue for the company is a large aspect of your responsibilities, something that goes hand-in-hand with innovation. The latter is one of the most in-demand soft skills in marketing, as it helps professionals pave new pathways and reach new heights. To achieve that, though, you must be able to craft a brand story that attracts customers and creates a triumphant narrative.

It's obvious that being a CMO is no easy feat, and, to complicate things further, the role and its responsibilities keep evolving. We are here to show you how you can get to this level and what you should focus on in the future.

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The Responsibilities Of The Head Of Sales And Marketing

The head of marketing is the visionary artist, crafting brand stories and campaigns. On the other hand, the head of sales is the relentless warrior, conquering revenue targets and client deals. The head of sales and marketing? Is the combination of both. It's the ultimate diplomat, balancing creativity and commerce, ensuring both teams dance in perfect harmony to drive growth and profits. One person can wear all these hats, but it's like juggling flaming torches. You'll need a creative spark for marketing, a competitive edge for sales, and the finesse to merge both into a cohesive strategy. If you can balance these roles, you can become a versatile powerhouse driving both brand and bottom line.

Someone in this position oversees all marketing and sales activities within a company. From creating a marketing plan outline and executing a marketing strategy to measuring ROI, this professional sets the goals. Also, manages the budget, develops marketing tactics, and evaluates the overall performance. Additionally, the head of sales and marketing must keep an eye on market changes and trends. You need to do this to be prepared to shift your strategy and maintain your competitive edge. At the same time, every content marketing tactic should abide by relevant laws and regulations. After you measure your B2B strategy's results, you must communicate them effectively to upper management and company stakeholders. Above everything, though, you must foster a positive and loving workplace where employees trust each other and build trusting relationships with customers.

Marketing Leaders Vs. Marketing Managers

While these two titles may sound the same, they are quite different. Depending on the size of a company, marketing job descriptions may vary. So, what does a marketing leader do? They are professionals undertaking specific projects and promotional campaigns, ensuring smooth operations and collaboration with other departments. However, they don't have a team of marketers reporting to them, meaning that they operate solo. On the other hand, managers are given extra marketing responsibilities as they oversee the functions of the entire department.

Their job descriptions are similar to those of the head of marketing since they craft a company's future digital marketing strategy, do market research, oversee team members' work, and arrange budgets. They are not responsible only for specific campaigns but for the company's entire marketing agenda. A key difference is that leaders are given certain parameters to abide by while managers set these measures so a marketing strategy is followed the way it should be.

Necessary Skills The Head Of Marketing Must Possess

Digital Marketing Expertise

The role of a CMO depends heavily on digital marketing skills, including strong SEO abilities, social media, content creation, customer relationship management (CRM), and basic design skills. As the head of marketing, you must be aware of emerging trends and leverage them before they become too mainstream and eventually die out. Based on the analytics you gather, you should make improvements to your digital campaigns and keep optimizing them until you get the results you need. Additionally, being familiar with emerging technologies, like AI-powered tools, is pivotal for your longevity in the industry.

As you can understand, there are plenty of CMO skills you need to hone to succeed in this niche.


One of the most important marketing soft skills is the ability to communicate your products or services to your target buyers effectively. Therefore, CMOs must craft clear and concise messaging that stays consistent across all platforms and content forms. Businesses offering content marketing services can identify the best ways to reach audiences and deliver impactful messaging that converts. But that's not all. A marketing head must also be exceptional at communicating with their team members, gaining their trust, and boosting their confidence. They should be able to speak in public fearlessly and convince both internal and external partners and stakeholders.

Now, almost everything has gone digital. It's time to learn how to build strong relationships remotely.

Even if you team is not in the office, you can get your message across and keep everyone aligned to achieve your marketing goals.

Content Creation And Storytelling

Content marketing for small businesses relies on producing high-value content that informs and educates audiences. Creating engaging and SEO-friendly evergreen blog posts is one of the most important skills for marketing leaders who want to put their brand on the map. While trending news should be on your agenda, don't make it the focus of your blog posts. Add a generous dose of storytelling to everything you create to captivate your target buyers and prove why they need your product. Creating a narrative helps people build an emotional connection with your brand, as they feel that you can relate to them and their pain points. However, smart marketers know that good storytelling without a bit of SEO can't create miracles.

Here's how to improve your SEO content writing skills and lead the SERPs.

Analytics And Budgeting

When we talk about marketing hard skills, data analytics and budgeting are two crucial aspects. A head of marketing should not only allocate resources responsibly but also keep analyzing their tactics' performance and make improvements along the way. This process may be even harder for SaaS startups because their budgets are typically limited and the pressure from stakeholders for positive results is intense. That's why budgeting should be focused on ROI, so even the last dollar spent on advertising and promotion is optimized. Moreover, budgeting requires some serious negotiation abilities. Board members may doubt the necessity of your resources and want to reduce them—you should advocate for them and prove why your budget is necessary to produce high results.

Here are some marketing cost examples to help you get a better idea.

Market Analysis

Before venturing into content marketing for B2B, do you know what a Chief Marketing Officer must do? They should do extensive market research regarding their company's target buyers. What do they need, and is your product popular among your consumers? Where is your audience active, and how is your competition approaching them? You can learn all that by handing out customer and distributor surveys and through focus group conversations. After you've identified your market and its needs, you should utilize statistical tools to analyze the data and organize the results into easily understandable charts. This way, you can easily present them to the CEO and board members and convince them to provide you with a higher budget.


Yes, many technical skills are needed in marketing, but two soft skills CMOs should possess are creativity and innovation. No matter how great you are at analyzing data, your marketing strategy will fail if you don't find creative ways to promote it. Surely, MarTech companies can offer you exceptional tools. But are they enough? Unfortunately, no tool can help a head of marketing stay updated regarding consumer trends and implement them in their tactics. Don't be afraid to experiment and A/B test different techniques to see what works better for you. It's okay to try something innovative and fail. Keep letting your imagination run free and producing groundbreaking ideas.


No marketing effort can be successful unless exceptional collaboration is fostered, and some of the best B2B marketing strategy examples prove that. Collaborative leadership and the ability to build team chemistry are essential skills for a marketing manager, as bad teamwork affects both marketing results and internal balance. CMOs should foster an encouraging environment where everyone feels confident enough to perform their tasks, collaborate with other departments, and communicate their ideas. Unity helps everyone center around common goals and strive to achieve them. Thus, collaboration is key for strategic marketing leadership. Ego and selfishness should be absent from marketing teams.

Humility And Agility

Humility is a necessary trait for any profession—people can't have the answer to every problem they encounter for the first time. Marketing is a field subjected to continuous change, meaning that a Chief Marketing Officer faces challenges all the time. Staying humble while addressing pain points and after you've beat them successfully means that you don't overestimate your abilities or get complacent. Furthermore, market changes require agility due to the fast pace of the marketing industry. Adopting technological advancements early and competing with other companies is required for the success of any business, and the CMO specifically.

Crisis Management

There might come times when you measure your content marketing performance and notice disappointing results that do not reflect your efforts. Maybe you made the wrong move on social media and enraged a large portion of your followers. A Chief Marketing Officer's qualifications should include the ability to mitigate risks and safeguard customer trust. When your credibility is on the line, you should address your audience with honesty and transparency. People respect the truth, no matter how harsh it is, and don't want to be lied to. As a result, you showcase trustworthiness and maintain loyalty.

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Where Should CMOs Focus On In The Future?

Generative AI

AI is not just a trend everyone should follow blindly. CMOs should discuss it with their CEO and decide whether utilizing the benefits of AI in marketing can help them grow and increase revenue. Next, you should do thorough research to locate tools your team feels comfortable using. But be cautious when using these tools, as there are still ethical considerations surrounding them, including concerns about data security, intellectual property rights, and replacing humans. Two areas where AI can prove lifesaving are analyzing internal data to improve decision making and gathering external data about your customers' preferences and behavior. AI-powered chatbots can even converse with clients in almost every language.

Wanna learn more about which tools to use? Check out this guide: Best AI Marketing Tools To Try.

Commercial Growth

One of the top priorities of the head of marketing in 2024 and 2025 is increasing revenue and driving short-term growth. It is a more pressing matter than long-term growth, as CEOs and boards want to see results monthly and not wait until the end of the quarter. That's why most chief marketing and sales officers create highly targeted and data-driven B2B content marketing campaigns to reach their ideal target buyers quickly. A few of the best marketing strategies they implement are using AI to craft personalized messaging for their segmented audience, optimizing websites for capturing leads, and enforcing automation tools to direct customers to different funnel stages. However, make sure your short-term goals align with overall company objectives and long-term goals to maintain client loyalty and trust.

Customer Experience

One of the top marketing job duties is curating impeccable customer experiences that boost sales and foster loyal clients. In fact, 21% of CMOs cite this as a priority since customer needs and requirements keep changing. SaaS B2B marketing should focus on delivering personalized solutions and communication. You may adopt new tools, like customer data platforms (CDPs), to create profiles depending on customer needs and behaviors. Additionally, you can implement AI to test different marketing options and provide predictive analytics based on the various options. Providing seamless customer experiences is demanding, and chief marketing managers should be equipped to break the mold and try out new ideas.

Ways CMOs Can Increase Productivity

Create A Schedule

Having flawless digital marketing skills isn't enough for a marketing executive; organizational skills are also necessary. Setting up a daily schedule helps you organize your workload, manage time, reduce stress, and tackle each task efficiently. You also adjust your priorities so pressing matters receive urgent attention. Additionally, you may assign tasks a specific time frame for their completion so you can concentrate uninterrupted on each one. Choose the type of calendar that works best for you—digital or physical. That said, don't obsessively stick to your schedule. Stay flexible and make changes when priorities shift and unexpected events take place.

Delegate Constructively

Effective delegation is pivotal to the daily responsibilities of a head of marketing, as you may not be able to tackle every task and project you have on your calendar. Instead of pushing it back, find the right person from your marketing team and ask them to complete the task or project. To do that, you first need to analyze each professional's abilities and choose the right fit. Provide a clear task description and communicate the goals, deadlines, and checkpoints. Show your colleague trust but don't leave them on their own. Monitor their progress to answer questions and offer feedback and guidance where needed. Not only do you make time for your own projects, but you also help employees widen their skillsets.

Utilize Technology

Utilizing automation tools to streamline time-consuming and mundane tasks is one of the top applications of Artificial Intelligence and one of the most popular marketing job duties of a CMO. As a good chief, the head of marketing should know how to use project management software to track each team member's and their projects' progress. Let's also not forget about time-tracking apps that help you identify productivity issues and address them before it's too late. Additionally, using cloud-based storage allows you to access everyone's files remotely while reducing the danger of losing sensitive data. Lastly, communication tools should be at the top of your list of priorities to ensure smooth collaboration.

Focus On Mental Health

Practicing self-care and paying attention to your mental and physical health are monumental for any CMO to succeed and produce high marketing results. By devoting time to exercising your brain and body, you give yourself room to rest and allow your creativity to brew. The more you sleep, the higher energy levels you have and, therefore, your innovation elevates. You may even try practicing mindfulness or yoga. Take time off whenever you feel like you are nearing burnout and ask your colleagues to stop calling or emailing you regarding work-related matters.

Get Rid Of Distractions

Distractions can be anything from your phone screen lighting up every second of the day to hearing the clock ticking. Such disturbances reduce your focus and increase your stress levels, minimizing your productivity. Only when you turn off your phone notifications and minimize annoyances will you start coming up with wonderful content marketing ideas that propel your company forward. Simply designate time frames during the day when you'll answer emails, make phone calls, and go on social media. You may use noise-cancelling headphones to create a quiet work zone.

Key Takeaway

A successful CMO needs a trifecta of skills: creative vision, strategic acumen, and leadership prowess. By mastering these, you can seamlessly blend marketing magic with sales savvy, driving your company to new heights. We hope this article has provided valuable insights and tips to help you excel in your role as a dynamic and effective CMO.

Now that you know what skills you need to be a great marketing manager, you understand that soft skills are equally important as hard skills. It's not only about implementing analytics but also about conducting successful customer profiling based on the data you gather.

And what is one great way to harvest contact details from potential customers? Well, gated content hooks people in and offers them something of great value in exchange for their email addresses. The head of marketing can use lead generation eBooks and host webinars to lure targeted audiences.

If you wanna know more tips on these, we can always jump on a call!


Originally published on June 19, 2024
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