Beyond Blended Learning: A Winning Formula For Remote Workforce Talent [eBook Release]

Beyond Blended Learning: A Winning Formula For Remote Workforce Talent [eBook Release]

Beyond Blended Learning: A Winning Formula For Remote Workforce Talent [eBook Release]

Is It Time To Rethink The Traditional Blended Learning Approach?

Blended learning delivers the best of both L&D worlds, but how can it help you cultivate and retain your top talent? Is it just a happy compromise between conventional seminars and online courses, or can it really transform your current training program by improving accessibility and personalization? This eBook offers a brand new take on blended learning for remote workforce talent development.

eBook Release
Beyond Blended Learning: A Winning Formula For Remote Workforce Talent
Follow along as fictional company AshCom faces L&D challenges and rethinks traditional blended learning strategies using an innovative formula for success.

Benefits Of Blended Learning For Talent Development

1. Merges Self-Paced And Assisted Learning

Blended learning gives trainees a measure of autonomy. They can – at their own pace and time – seek out assistance online. JIT libraries help them get through the rough spots and refresh their know-how. It’s self-initiated, so it still feels like a solo effort. It’s also helpful when they want to do some work on their own, uninterrupted. Online elements can include self-assessment modules to identify their own skill gaps. Once they spot their areas for improvement, they can attend live training sessions that allow them to focus on knowledge, skill, and performance gaps in real-time. In short, a blended learning approach gives employees the chance to be proactive about their training without missing out on valuable social learning opportunities.

2. Reduces Seat Time

Many organizations are concerned about time away from workstations. While trainees are off studying, their work still has to get done. This could mean the added expense of hiring temps, and that's where blended learning comes into play. While certain parts of the training necessitate face-to-face time, they can be planned. Trainers can designate in-person classes based on availability and busy work schedules. The rest of the training can be done online. This means there’s less seat time for trainees and less interference with their office hours.

3. Boosts Employee Motivation

Employees are more likely to take the initiative and bridge gaps if the training is flexible and convenient. One of the benefits of blended learning is that staff members can determine which resources align with their needs and personal preferences. It gives them more room to choose a path that suits their training style. For example, they aren’t restricted to solely ILT events. Thus, they are more motivated to learn and continually improve their performance. This means they will stay with your organization and keep building skills that broaden your profit margin.

4. Bridges The Emotional Divide

In many respects, blended learning eliminates the sense of isolation that comes from other training methods. Yes, working alone can be productive – because there are no distractions. But even the most introverted among us need human contact on occasion. On the other hand, even the most outgoing team player needs time alone to regroup. With a blended training system, you give trainees the power to choose. When they need to, they can go online and work alone. For a crucial second opinion, they can ping colleagues through messaging apps or video chat.

About This eBook

Here's a sneak preview of what you'll find inside Beyond Blended Learning: A Winning Formula For Remote Workforce Talent:


Download the eBook Beyond Blended Learning: A Winning Formula For Remote Workforce Talent to discover how AshCom overcomes its L&D challenges using innovative blended learning strategies.

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