eBook Release – Blended Learning: A Proven Approach To Learning Development

Free eBook – Blended Learning: A Proven Approach To Learning Development

Free eBook – Blended Learning: A Proven Approach To Learning Development

Blended Learning – A Proven Approach To Learning Development

Blended learning, by definition, combines eLearning and face-to-face learning. The combination of these best parts, though, doesn’t come by default. For an eLearning professional to take on this approach and deliver the desired results, it has to be preceded by a thorough study on what this approach has to offer and how to make the most out of it.

eBook Release
Blended Learning: A Proven Approach To Learning Development
Discover how to integrate your new and existing learning assets, technology, and the latest from the field of neuroscience into cohesive traditional learning to improve learning outcomes.

This is where this eBook comes in. Upon reading it, you’ll have comprehended how to start, where to put in extra effort and attention, and how to handle the conditions shaped from it. Opt for learning blended learning the safe way – rather than deciding to learn as you go along.

About The eBook

What a better way than reading about the basics of blended learning, and the models there are, for you to start feeling fluent? After the acquaintances, the authors of Blended Learning – A Proven Approach To Learning Development turn their focus on the learning objectives. Then comes a full set of advice – what to avoid, what works best, and what to look for in blended learning vendors or the whole process in general. Obsidian Learning came up with this eBook that serves as a valuable helper in every step and contains the information that will enable you to implement blended learning and bring benefits for all involved.

Let’s take a look at the key chapters of the eBook:

According to the writers of Blended Learning – A Proven Approach To Learning Development, this approach is a combination of eLearning and classical education, brought out to make things easier and to promote ongoing, just-in-time, and inexpensive learning. It can be deployed with one of the “flipped”, “face-to-face driver”, or “online driver” model. Once you choose from the above, you start to define your strategy, firstly by setting your learning objectives. What you should do is determine the competency level you’re aiming for and proceed accordingly. Note that your objectives must be measurable.

Of course, not all that have to do with blended learning are positive. Your attention is needed to avoid pitfalls, as trying to fit existing courses into the new standards, selecting wrong technology, assuming that the blended approach suits all subjects, and more. Going further in advising eLearning professionals, Obsidian Learning has listed what does and what doesn’t work. By now you are ready start your market research, but some extra insight is here to make you feel safer.

We now proceed to the learning process, picking it up from the learner preparation. After this, you are advised to use unexpected media to present your content, and be open to social learning. You should know that there are best practices when designing blended learning programs. They are listed here, for you to find what goes best with your course. The authors then deal with the common challenges you’ll meet and their solutions. These all derive from years of experience, so read carefully.

One might say that all those words of wisdom mean nothing if the numbers don’t add up. There’s no point in arguing whether money makes the world go round. This eBook covers the preparations you need to make to build your solution on a budget. There are plenty ways to make this work, and furthermore, there are tips to reduce the corporate learning costs in general. What’s even better is that it’s measurable. For the skeptics, the closing chapters explain how blended learning improves employee productivity, boosts corporate training ROI, and increases the eagerness to go ahead and make use of this benefiting approach.

If you want to discover all there is to know before implementing the blended learning approach to learning development, download this eBook today.

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