Colors In Online Training: How To Transform The Online Training Experience Of Your Learners

Colors In Online Training: How To Transform The Online Training Experience Of Your Learners

Colors In Online Training: How To Transform The Online Training Experience Of Your Learners

The Emotional Significance Of Colors In Online Training

Different cultures and societies assign different meanings to colors. However, the emotional significance behind them tends to stay the same, regardless of your background. This is due to the psychology of colors. Our brains are hardwired to respond to hues, as humans are more visual by nature. Here are the top 5 colors that you should consider for your next online training course. I'll also share 5 tips to use these colors in online training.

1. Blue

Blue is symbolic of loyalty, honesty, and confidence. From an emotional standpoint, this color relaxes the mind and encourages a state of calm. For this reason, blue is ideal for stressful situations that require an employee's full concentration. For example, a task-based simulation that mimics the pressure of real world challenges. Employees have to stay cool, calm, and collected. And various shades of blue can help to de-stress corporate learners and alleviate their frustration.

2. Purple

The color of luxury and imagination. Purple is the perfect pick for online training courses that require a creative flair. For example, online group collaboration projects that call for lateral thinking skills. This color may help employees think outside the box and see things from a fresh perspective. Try to avoid darker shades of purple, as they can have the opposite effect.

3. Red

Red symbolizes urgency and intensity. It catches the eye, which makes it the ideal choice for online training tips and instructions. For example, directions on how to complete the next online training activity. Bear in mind that red is also the color of warnings. In fact, it has been known to put people on "high alert." Employees will immediately take notice of red text and images. Thus, you should use it in small doses to allow them to focus on the key takeaways.

4. Yellow

Yellow is associated with optimism, happiness, and energy. It tends to uplift the mood and remove feelings of negativity and frustration. As such, it's a great color for compliance online training courses or dry and dull subject matter. Yellow is also ideally suited for topics that are more complicated or involved, as it motivates employees. Just be sure to use darker hues of yellow, as lighter shades on the spectrum tend to be illegible.

5. White

White isn't technically a color. In fact, it's a complete lack of color. However, it's essential when designing online training courses. White helps balance the other hues and make them stand out. It also allows employees to connect or differentiate online training course elements. For example, leaving white space between two elements infers that they are unrelated. Items that are close together usually share a connection. From an emotional viewpoint, white conveys feelings of calm, purity, and trust.

5 Tips To Use Colors In Online Training

1. Choose Color Combinations Carefully

One color has the power to override another. Especially if they have conflicting meanings. For example, blue calms and red excites. This may give employees a mixed message or diminish the consistency you're trying to create for your online training course. Choose your color combinations carefully and consider the significance of each shade. In fact, you may want to integrate a color palette into your eLearning storyboard. That way you can integrate the chosen shades into every aspect of your online training design. For instance, your text blocks, borders, and visual representations.

2. Use Bold Hues Sparingly

Bold and bright colors may excite and energize your employees. But they can also be overwhelming, especially when used in large doses. In most cases, employees are already stressed from the busy work day. They're dealing with a variety of distractions, and bold colors tend to draw their attention. A good rule of thumb is to save brighter hues for warnings, instructions, or advice. For example, a tip that employees can use to accomplish the task.

3. Research Employee Backgrounds

There are two primary purposes for researching your corporate learners backgrounds. Firstly, you learn about the cultural and societal associations they have for certain colors. Secondly, research helps you personalize the online training experience. For example, you may find that your employees gravitate toward the color purple, while orange makes them feel anxious or stressed. Conduct surveys and polls to gauge their preferences and customize your online training design.

4. Stick With A Pre-Determined Color Palette

You can't have too much of a good thing. Colors make your online training course pop and increase its visual appeal. However, an abundance of colors can create chaos and confusion. It's best to stick with 2 or 3 core colors and use different shades on their spectrum. For example, powder blue and sky blue both have a calming effect. But they are two distinct shades of blue, which makes your online training course more dynamic.

5. Keep It Simple

Text, images, and other learning materials should take center stage. In other words, avoid colorful backgrounds that distract employees from the training task. Carry out a test round with a select group of corporate learners. Then host a focus group to collect their honest feedback. Concentrate on the color scheme and layout of your online training course. For example, the emotions that certain colors evoke. You can even offer different versions to see which layouts work best. Alternatively, schedule a live webinar following your test round to discuss these issues with your distributed workforce.

Hues have the power to turn any online training course into an emotionally-centered online training experience. However, you must use them wisely in order to have the desired effect. Learn as much as you can about your employees preferences in order to create the perfect eLearning conditions.

Do you need more tips about evoking the right emotion and create the perfect eLearning atmosphere? Read the article 8 Tips To Choose The Right Tone For eLearning to learn how tone influences online learners' mood and sets the stage for the entire eLearning course.

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