6 Tips To Increase Your eLearning Course Consistency

6 Tips To Increase Your eLearning Course Consistency
Summary: Consistency is a tell-tale sign of quality. And quality builds credibility among your audience. In this article, I'll share 5 stress-free tips to increase the consistency of your eLearning course.

How To Increase Your eLearning Course Consistency

Most eLearning professionals design their eLearning courses in stages. We wrap up one piece at a time before moving on to the next. It's our way of keeping the process manageable and checking off eLearning project milestones. However, a downside to this is lack of continuity. Rather than creating a cohesive eLearning experience, it can become fragmented and disjointed. Fortunately, there are 6 tips that can help you maintain eLearning course consistency.

1. Create A Color Guide

One of the most effective ways to tie your elements together is to create an eLearning course color guide. Ideally, you should opt for 3 to 4 colors maximum, to achieve a cohesive look without the chaos. Choose shades that align with your brand and the subject matter. Also, think about the emotions that are conveyed through each of the colors. For example, red brings about a sense of urgency. Thus, it’s ideal for warnings or tips during a compliance online training course. However, blue can evoke feelings of calm, making it a great choice for high-stress topics that require a level-head.

Additionally, use different colors to denote your headers, subheads, and other key formatting marks. For instance, ensure that all of your main headers are in blue so that online learners know they are exploring a new subject. This will help their minds shift gears so that they can create new mental pathways for each topic. Otherwise, they might make connections between concepts that aren’t related, which can lead to confusion later on.

2. Use eLearning Templates

eLearning templates are your best friend when you’re striving for cohesive eLearning course design. They can also help you save time and resources, since you can reuse them time and again. Develop a master eLearning template that includes your logo, general page layout, and your chosen color scheme. This should also include placeholders that are eventually replaced by text, graphics, and multimedia elements. You then have the opportunity to make minor modifications for each eLearning module, activity, or course. For example, adjust the color scheme for your task-based corporate eLearning so that employees can differentiate it from your compliance online training courses. All of the other components remain the same, which keeps your eLearning program cohesive and well organized. Many eLearning authoring tools come with eLearning templates that you can customize. This makes it easy, and affordable, to create a layout that aligns with your brand image.

3. Choose Legible Fonts

A common eLearning design mistake is using a multitude of fonts for the sake of aesthetic appeal. However, it’s best to stick with 2 or 3 primary fonts throughout your eLearning course. Preferably, legible fonts that can be read on any device. For example, a font may look elegant on a PC but gets jumbled when viewed on a mobile phone. Once again, choose a specific font for the header, subheads, and body to differentiate your eLearning content. This gives online learners the ability to distinguish one topic from the next. An added bonus is preventing cognitive overload. The header lets them know that they are about to dive into another subject. Thus, they can take a break if needed in order to fully absorb the ideas and concepts before moving on.

4. Use Familiar Navigation Icons

Choose your navigation icons in advance and then use them throughout the entire eLearning course. Better still, your entire eLearning program. Employees are already familiar with certain icons, such as arrows and "next" buttons. So, stick with what they know and simply add your brand touches. For example, modifying the colors of the buttons to match your logo and using your company font type. You should also place them in plain sight at the bottom corners of the page. In other words, don’t hide them in among images or graphics where they get lost in the shuffle.

5. Stick To The Style Guide

Every eLearning program should follow a single style guide which covers everything from the font to the writing style. These style guides help hold everyone to the same standard and keep them up-to-date with company messaging. For example, they will know if the company’s tone has changed so that they can reflect that in the latest eLearning course design. Think of the style guide as the rulebook for cohesiveness. It lays the groundwork for writers, Instructional Designers, and Subject Matter Experts who are working on the eLearning project. As such, it should include any and all grammar, spelling, and formatting specifications for the eLearning content.

6. Hold Regular eLearning Project Management Meetings

The style guide will only get you so far. Thus, it’s important to meet with your eLearning team regularly to ensure that everyone’s on the same page. Your eLearning course isn’t going to be cohesive if your eLearning team isn’t collaborative or communicative. There are a variety of video conferencing systems and Project Management online platforms you can use to stay in touch. You should also consider scheduling weekly or monthly check-ins, depending on the needs of the eLearning project. This allows you to evaluate all of the work in progress so that you can make the necessary recommendations. For example, one of your eLearning team members may not be aware of the updated style guide. You can address this during the meeting and bring everyone up to speed.

It’s also essential to get feedback from your online learners in order to create a cohesive eLearning course. They have a unique perspective of your eLearning course and may be able to spot areas for improvement. For example, eLearning activities or modules that seem out of place. Surveys, questionnaires, and interviews are ideal feedback tools.

An eLearning course should be intuitive, well organized, and easy to navigate if you want to achieve the desired results. Read the article 8 Tips To Create Α User-Friendly eLearning Course to discover tips that can help you make your eLearning course more user-friendly and accessible to your audience.

Originally published on September 9, 2016