6 Advantages Of Moving Your Compliance Training Online

6 Advantages Of Moving Your Compliance Training Online
Summary: Compliance doesn't need to be boring and messy. Digital helps organisations to create effective online compliance training easily and efficiently. Take a look at the advantages of moving your compliance training online to find out how you can create compliance training that really makes an impact.

Main Advantages Of Moving Your Compliance Training Online

Compliance training often has a stigma of coming across as ‘boring’ and ‘messy’. Long classroom sessions, endless tests, and pages of content are what many associate with compliance training, but changes in technology and approach can offer solutions that are both engaging for employees and more efficient for employers. Thanks to the digital transformations we have seen over the past few years, more businesses are moving their training online to meet the needs of the modern learner.

eBook Release: Compliance Training 101: Developing A Compliance Training Program With The Right LMS Platform
eBook Release
Compliance Training 101: Developing A Compliance Training Program With The Right LMS Platform
Discover the value of Compliance training, what your Compliance program should include, and how a NextGen LMS can support your organisation

We’ve become used to having information available at our fingertips, usually finding the answers we need within minutes. This immediacy has dramatically changed the employees’ expectations of workplace learning and more are taking control of their own learning, which means the organisation needs to be able to keep up. There are many advantages of moving your compliance training online; take a look at the points below to find out what some of them are.

1. Recognise The Modern Learner

Technology has enabled the modern learner to self-direct their own learning by providing instant knowledge and know-how.

The web is becoming more used as a means of finding instant information, with more than 70% of employees turning to search engines to learn what they need for their jobs. But, there’s still a huge gap in the L&D market here, because search engines can’t deliver resources that are unique and context-specific to your organisation.

Recognising the modern learner is especially important with compliance training because of the risk associated with employees not keeping up-to-date with the rules and regulations in the organisation. Failing to understand the motivations of your staff and not addressing their actual problems and experiences leads to poor engagement and an overall negative attitude towards compliance training, which could lead to many more problems further down the road.

Employees need to be able to learn in real-time, whilst on the job, to quickly go from ‘not knowing’ to ‘doing’. By understanding the habits and needs of the modern learner, L&D teams should focus their efforts on creating a compliance training program that addresses the way different employees should be thinking about and doing their jobs.

2. Deliver Useful Information Anywhere, Anytime

Employees are busy and taking them away from their working environment to do their compliance training limits how often you can provide training.

By moving your compliance training online, you’re able to provide training anytime and anywhere, giving you the confidence in knowing your staff can easily ensure they’re up-to-date.

Think about the kinds of content your employees would benefit from. Generic off-the-shelf content has been proven to be far less effective and engaging than context-driven digital resources. You can use your online learning platform to easily deliver interesting and effective compliance training resources to a specific audience, whilst tapping into their job roles and motivations for learning at work.

3. Link To Actual Jobs

If your compliance training program is really going to make an impact, it needs to focus on addressing the real needs and challenges faced by your employees. Instead of delivering generic courses or content-dumping, understand how your compliance topics affect the way different employee groups should be thinking about and doing their jobs.

This can be expensive and time-consuming to do with eLearning but digital resources can be created in just a few minutes and tailored to distinct employee groups, distinguished by level, job family, and maturity. You can also embed compliance into other resources that help employees to learn new parts of their job—no longer isolating compliance outside of the work.

4. Keep Everyone Up-To-Date Without Worrying About The Cost

It’s understandable to assume creating learning content will be extremely time-consuming and difficult to do. However, digital resources make it easier than ever to create useful content that addresses your workers real-time challenges. As your practices and policies change, so can your resources. Moving your compliance training online allows the organisation to easily keep employees up-to-date and able to quickly receive correct information. No more waiting around for updated handbooks or keeping employees out of the loop. It also ensures everyone is on the same page, remember: consistency is key.

As well as being time-consuming to implement, traditional learning approaches, such as classroom-based training or courses can also prove to be costly. Online training eliminates the need for paperwork, travel costs, classroom rental etc. It brings learning to where the employees are, and eliminates the need for additional costs.

5. Improve Engagement

You’ll find moving your compliance training online is going to be far more effective and engaging than traditional methods as long as it provides value and relevance to your employees. Remove generic content and replace it with useful resources. Take the time to understand what your employees really need to know and then make this information readily available.

Remember with online training, employees are able to take control of their own learning. They can learn at a pace that suits them, and access your learning materials anytime and place. By ensuring your resources are valuable to them, you’ll find they are far more likely to engage and take interest in your compliance training.

6. Measure In Real-Time

Online learning platforms also make it easier than ever to track performance and understand what is or isn’t working. Use reporting to your advantage, from tracking different employee levels to departments or progress with tests, by having this data online you know you can track in real-time and no valuable insights will be missed.

Having your reports easily accessible and available in one central place will also greatly free up the amount of admin time L&D teams spend having to manually test and generate reports. No valuable data will be lost and instead, the focus can be shifted onto using these insights to continuously improving your training materials.

Your employees want to be better and faster at their jobs. Whilst compliance training is not the most enjoyable or fun training program, you can use our tips above to create an online program that will really make a difference and ensure your staff are always up-to-date.

Originally published on July 17, 2018