Why You Should Read '7 Learning Strategies To Transform Your Corporate Induction And Onboarding Training For Success'
We are aware of the time and effort (and costs) involved in the recruitment process. Once the right candidate is hired, it is imperative to have a highly effective induction and onboarding training program that can efficiently induct him/her.
Effective induction and onboarding is crucial for both the employees and the business.
A poorly structured induction and onboarding can impact your organization’s reputation and in the worst case push the new hires to reconsider their options.
A face-to-face or facilitated approach is the most commonly adopted approach to offer induction and onboarding training. This is certainly a high-impact approach as the learning happens through sessions with peers, seniors, and the leadership of the organization. However, this approach does have some inherent challenges, and these can take away the desired impact.
In this eBook, I show you how these challenges can be mitigated if you adopt a blended or a fully online induction and onboarding approach.
Through a series of 7 examples, I show you how an online approach provides several other value-adds that will help you keep your training current and in sync with your changing business needs.
How Will The eBook Help You?
At EI Design, our practice of crafting engaging induction and onboarding programs is over 16 years old. Over the years, our approach has leveraged on prevailing and upcoming learning strategies to continually enhance the way we craft these experiences.
This eBook, 7 Learning Strategies To Transform Your Corporate Induction And Onboarding Training For Success, draws upon our expertise and strategies or approaches that have worked.
We have created several high-impact learning experiences using:
- Virtual Reality.
- Portal-based solutions that feature learning paths.
- Personalization.
- Mobile learning.
- Microlearning.
- Gamification.
- Video-based learning.
- Social learning.
I have structured the eBook as a guide to provide cues on learning strategies that you can use as you evaluate possibilities to transform your induction and onboarding program to blended or fully online mode.
- Step 1: Laying a strong foundation (significance of a well-designed induction and onboarding program).
- Step 2: Evaluating the possibilities - Blended or fully online approach (as organizations evaluate the transformation from a facilitated or face-to-face program to a blended or fully online approach, what approach makes the most sense).
- Step 3: Going Digital - Adopting learning strategies that work.
7 Success Stories Featuring Diverse Learning Strategies (Includes Virtual Reality)
Do read this eBook, 7 Learning Strategies To Transform Your Corporate Induction And Onboarding Training For Success, and use these pointers to uplift the impact of your current strategy.
Specifically, the eBook addresses questions like:
- What are the advantages of a well-designed induction and onboarding program?
- What constitutes a well-designed induction and onboarding program?
- What are the key challenges associated with the traditional face-to-face approach to offer the induction and onboarding program?
- To what extent can these challenges be offset by adopting online training, and what is the optimal approach?
- What are the benefits of moving your induction and onboarding program to a blended or fully online approach?
- What learning strategies can be used to create effective online induction and onboarding programs?
I wrap up with a showcase of 7 success stories that feature the following learning strategies:
- Virtual Reality.
- Learning Portal.
- Personalization.
- Mobile Learning.
- Microlearning.
- Gamification.
- Video-Based Learning.
- Social Learning.
About The eBook: 7 Learning Strategies To Transform Your Corporate Induction And Onboarding Training For Success
The eBook is structured into 4 sections:
Section 1 - Laying A Strong Foundation
This section outlines the need for a well-designed induction and onboarding training program and the advantages it offers.
Section 2 - Evaluating The Possibilities - Blended Or Fully Online Approach
This section looks at the traditional approach to offer induction and onboarding training, that is, the facilitated or face-to-face training. While this approach is of high impact, it does have certain challenges that can affect the success of the induction and onboarding training. This section looks at these challenges and evaluates if these can be offset through a blended or fully online transformation of the induction and onboarding training. It also highlights the optimal approach.
Section 3 - Going Digital - Adopting Learning Strategies That Work
This section provides an overview of the possible learning strategies that you could use to create an effective blended or online induction and onboarding training. I have dipped into our repository of learning strategies that work and have created high-impact programs for our customers. I have also added an instance of how we, at EI Design, use a combination of these techniques for our own induction and onboarding training program.
Section 4 - 7 Success Stories
This section showcases 7 examples featuring learning strategies like:
- Virtual Reality.
- Learning Portal.
- Personalization.
- Mobile Learning.
- Microlearning.
- Gamification.
- Video-Based Learning.
- Social Learning.
Do download this eBook, 7 Learning Strategies To Transform Your Corporate Induction And Onboarding Training For Success, and use it to successfully enhance the impact of your corporate training through Video-Based Learning.
See the live demos of the first two examples of using Virtual Reality and learning portal for induction and onboarding in our upcoming webinar on Thursday, October 4, 2018.
The Impact
The eBook is designed as a micro guide to help you transform your existing induction and onboarding training program to a blended or fully online approach.
If you have any specific queries or would like to see how we can help you achieve your mandate, do contact me.
Do download the eBook: 7 Learning Strategies To Transform Your Corporate Induction And Onboarding Training For Success.