7 Cost-Effective JIT Support Tools For HR Leadership Training Programs

HR Leadership Training Programs Support Tools

HR Leadership Training Programs Support Tools

Cost-Effective JIT Support For HR Leadership Training Programs

The Human Resources department has a broad job description. They handle everything from recruiting to policy updates. And they’re always on-hand to uphold employees’ rights and enforce labor laws. Thus, your HR leadership training programs must cover a wide range of topics. First and foremost, you need to offer team leaders on-the-spot support so that they can overcome any obstacle confidently. The tricky part is knowing which resources deliver the best ROI, particularly if you’re on a tight budget or racing the L&D clock. Every organization has different needs but there are a few bite-sized resources every leadership training plan should have. Below are 7 cost-effective JIT support tools for your HR leadership training programs.

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1. COVID-19 Policy Recaps

We’re all dealing with the COVID-19 crisis and its aftermath. Unfortunately, your HR team is on the front lines because they’re in charge of recruiting and onboarding, as well as employee safety. So, create policy recaps to refresh their memory and provide quick updates. For example, they need to know social distancing protocols or how to deal with symptom reporting. These microlearning resources may be in the form of checklists or even quick demos to show them policies in action.

2. Recruitment HR Leadership Training Infographics

Recruitment techniques are always evolving. For example, gone are the days of newspaper ads. Now, organizations post job openings on social media or use their online training portals to attract new talent. Thus, online training infographics are the ideal JIT tool, as you can quickly update eLearning content and develop new versions. Especially if you use an online training template and rapid authoring software. Another option is to hire an eLearning content provider to create engaging infographics. Whatever route you choose, it’s important to keep it simple. For instance, your candidate assessment infographic has 5 sections. And all of them feature visuals to improve knowledge retention.

3. Employee Diversity Mini-Workshops

Every member of the team brings something unique to your organization. They all have different cultural backgrounds and life experiences. We can’t let assumptions and hidden biases stand in the way. Another great JIT support resource for HR leadership training is mini-workshops. Each event centers on diversity and team building. For instance, the first deals with gender equality while the next dives into beliefs and acceptance. These events only have to be a few minutes, just long enough to discuss the topic and share experiences. In short, it gives everyone the chance to evaluate different viewpoints. In addition, they get to highlight areas for improvement, like limiting beliefs that hinder personal growth.

4. Interviewing Skills Simulations

In most cases, HR managers are involved in hiring, even if it’s just to approve the final candidates. But they should still have a strong interviewing skillset, which includes communication, problem-solving, and data analysis. Bear in mind that they must support their team. For example, an HR new hire is nervous about their first interview. The manager can step in to boost self-confidence and keep the interview on track. Then they can step back once the staffer is ready to ask the tough questions. As a result, simulations are the perfect addition to your leadership development strategy. They must be brief. So, focus on a single job applicant at a time. Don’t forget to wrap things up with personalized feedback.

5. Performance Evaluation Demos

Yet another crucial HR role is performance evaluations. In some cases, they perform the evaluations. In others, they merely process the data from department supervisors. Regardless, they should still know the steps involved. Create video demos for your leadership training program that explore every stage and skill involved. What are the evaluation criteria? Should they combine employee interviews with online training assessments? First and foremost, how can they evaluate staffers while respecting their rights? For instance, there’s a limit to the data they can collect as well as who can access performance reports.

6. Compliance Policy HR Leadership Training Cheat Sheets

All leadership development programs should have cheat sheets. However, HR is often synonymous with policy. Therefore, HR managers need quick reference guides that cover policies and procedures. These cheat sheets should address everything from dress code to OSHA standards. Of course, this all depends on your industry and local regulations since every region has their own rule book. For best results, include visuals and interactive elements, such as boxes they can check and hyperlinks to helpful online training resources.

7. Anti-Harassment Branching Scenarios

Anti-harassment in the workplace includes bullying and sexual harassment. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. HR managers must know how to handle incidents so that everyone feels safe on the job. Branching scenarios give them the opportunity to try different approaches, not to mention, recognize more discreet behaviors that are cause for concern. For example, the main character makes subtle puns at first. Then it escalates into offensive comments or jokes. How can the HR team leader intervene without making employees feel alienated? Branching scenarios in a leadership training program allow them to see how their actions lead to real-world consequences. Good and bad.


There is no cookie-cutter approach to HR leadership training programs since every organization has unique goals and objectives. However, these JIT resources deliver timely support to your team leaders no matter how long they’ve been in the top spot or what their strengths and weaknesses are. This is due to the fact that they’re versatile training tools. You can easily adapt them based on personal gaps and preferences. Especially if your budget allows. For example, turn your performance evaluation demos into serious games.

Download our eBook today to train your leaders of tomorrow. It also features tips to draft a spot-on budget and find the perfect outsourcing partner. The Ultimate Leadership Training Programs Guide: How To Identify And Train Emerging Leaders is packed with valuable insider secrets.

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