5 Creative Ways To Emphasize The Real-World Benefits Of Compliance Online Training

5 Creative Ways To Emphasize The Real World Benefits Of Compliance Online Training

5 Creative Ways To Emphasize The Real World Benefits Of Compliance Online Training

How To Emphasize The Real-World Benefits Of Compliance Online Training

What kinds of issues come up in your compliance online training programs? It’s a very industry-specific subject, but in broad strokes, it covers ethics and safety. It creates a space for high-value products and services, so it’s a function of quality control. Moreover, it also aims to create a pleasant working environment for everyone involved. Also, it looks to protect workers from violence, harassment, or malicious treatment. It lays out, implements, and enforces protocol. Still, for many workers, compliance seems theoretical and remote. How can you apply compliance online training to their daily grind in an authentic, understandable way?

5 Fresh Ways To Put Compliance Training Into Context

1. Real World Repercussions

The reason so many workers don’t connect with compliance online training is its premise. Most compliance terms are intensely legal. They’re deliberately designed that way to cover all bases and avoid creating loopholes. The downside of all that parsing is that no one can make sense of it. It looks good to the lawyers but is complete gibberish to the rest of your staff. In your course, state your compliance requirements in their base jargon. Then elaborate, in plain language, what this looks like in everyday life. For example, you could start the compliance online training module by listing a particular compliance term. ‘Employees must shield and preserve all forms of company data. Failure to comply could result in prosecution and fines capped in millions.’ That sounds scary, but it doesn’t really say anything. Explain, through visual examples, that failure to use a laptop lock breaches this. Anyone could grab the computer from your desk, bag, or home, giving them access to sensitive company data. This kind of data theft could cost the company billions of dollars.

2. Including Personal Anecdotes In Compliance Online Training

To add to the first point, any computer can be hacked. But if your computer has a strong password and up-to-date firewalls, it’s a little harder. In such a case, even if your laptop is stolen, it’s less likely the criminal will gain access to crucial data. Include examples and scenarios of how this has happened in the past. You could mention a staffer whose backpack was stolen on the subway or taken by unauthorized office ‘visitors’. Because the device had the ‘find my laptop’ software enabled, the equipment was recovered. During its absence, the thief tried to crack the password but was unable to, so they wiped the disk instead. Because the physical laptop was recovered, there was no extra cost of buying new machinery. And because the laptop assignee followed office back-up protocols, all the wiped data was still available on the cloud. Similarly, a lapse in employee oversight gave the thief access to the office in the first place. But maintaining data protection standards saved the situation. This shows the importance of little things like signing in all office guests.

3. Individual Assessment

Many fables, religious texts, and cultural myths expose a typically human bias, it’s easier to see the mistakes of others. We can recognize flaws in our peers far more easily than we accept the same issues in ourselves. Therefore, it isn’t enough just to ask your employees if they’re compliant. You have to demonstrate the ways in which they’re not. Program periodical assessment modules in your compliance online training sessions. They should deliberately diffuse pressure and be administered in a low-key way. For example, pop-ups from friendly in-course characters.

Ask direct, non-accusatory questions like, ‘Have you changed your password this week?’ ‘Is your desk lock enabled?’ ‘Does anyone have access to your handbag?’ ‘How do you remember all your log-ins?’ ‘Do you have any shared online accounts?’ All these answers can point to compliance gaps that need plugging.

4. Demo Videos To Drive The Message Home

Produce demo videos that show employees how their actions or lack of compliance knowledge look in the real world. For instance, the character doesn’t handle the dangerous chemicals in the proper safety gear. Or fails to wear a lifting belt before they pick up heavy items. Show employees the negative consequences, as well as the benefits compliance online training can bring. It’s no longer just a detailed explanation of what can go wrong or right. But a visual illustration of how their behaviors impact their daily lives. Go with animated videos if you need to demo potentially dangerous situations. Just make sure you don’t overdo the humor and overshadow the seriousness of the issue.

5. Serious Games That Enforce, Educate, And Entertain

Let employees venture through different levels and experience compliance topics in action. For example, the first level features a client meeting where COI compliance enters the picture. They must be able to tell that the client is, in fact, offering them a bribe and figure out how to decline. Serious games are a great way to engage employees while showing them the real-world advantages of their compliance online training. It also provides immediate feedback. If they cannot successfully navigate the problem, they aren’t able to advance or earn the minimum amount of points. Thus, they know where they went wrong and how to bridge the gap.


Compliance online training is, by nature, abstract. Unless you translate it into everyday expression, your staff will barely benefit from it. How can you achieve this? Display the real-world results in actions, reactions, dollars, and cents. You could do this via beautifully designed stats-driven infographics. Ask your customers and staff to tell contextual stories from their own lives and build case studies around them. Occasionally nudge employees with pointed questions that get them to recognize their own non-compliance. These tips will make compliance a more recognizable, and therefore demonstrable matter in the workplace.

Safety compliance online training ensures the well-being of your employees and prevents costly citations. How do you find the right LMS for your mandatory safety compliance online training? Check out our list of the top compliance training LMS solutions to mitigate risks and engage your remote workforce.

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