Docebo-Lectora Integration For Corporate Training: Main Advantages
With more than 30 integrations and several new ones scheduled to be released over the next few months, Docebo leads the way in integrating its Learning Management System (LMS) with the many business tools organizations rely on for their day-to-day productivity. One key integration that we have noticed delights content authors is the Docebo-Lectora integration, which connects Lectora by Trivantis, a learning content authoring tool, to the Docebo eLearning platform. In this article, we will focus on this popular Docebo-Lectora integration.
1. Seamless, One-Step Publication Of Learning Courses Into Learning Management System
Without an integration between a learning content authoring tool and a Learning Management System, course authors would have to upload content to an eLearning platform manually, a tedious multi-step process. In a standard situation, publishing content in an eLearning platform requires the creation of content in an authoring system, then logging into and navigating through a Learning Management System to upload the content, course by course.
When you multiply this process across the dozens if not hundreds of courses an organization needs to support its learning and development (Learning and Development) activities, the time it takes to upload courses becomes highly burdensome.
2. The One-Click Alternative
The Docebo-Lectora option offers a great alternative. With this integration, once the content has been built in Lectora Online a system user can import the content into the corresponding Docebo instance through a PENS protocol seamlessly, with one click. Docebo then makes the content available through its Single Source Learning Object Repository (LOR).
When this happens, changes to learning materials propagate to all instances of the learning material across multiple courses. In other words, your content can easily be distributed and replicated to multiple courses with this integration.
3. Power Learning Programs With The Best-Of-Breed Content Authoring And eLearning Combo
Where you tightly combine best-of-breed authoring and learning management platforms, the benefits go beyond simplifying the publishing process. One example is the comprehensive and deep support of Experience API (xAPI) that both Lectora and Docebo provide. xAPI provides advanced tracking capabilities well beyond what SCORM can do. It effortlessly lets you track learning activities whether they’re online or offline, formal or informal.
The Docebo LMS also lets you see what devices (desktop, phone, tablet) and what layouts (portrait or landscape) learners are using to view content. While the standard SCORM specification is great for tracking courses taken, course scores, and course completions, it doesn’t really tell you how a learner uses your material. xAPI allows you to track at a much finer level so you can determine actual trends of usage within your course.
An xAPI course that is well laid out can provide you with feedback about how your learners actually use your course, what parts they are looking at, and what parts they are skipping over, giving you the ability to refine and update material based upon its actual usage. And with the Docebo-Elucidat integration, once those updates are made in a given piece of course material, it’s automatically extended to all the courses associated with it.
Beyond getting feedback from learner’s activity, normalizing all tracking data through xAPI provides immense potential for an array of advanced applications, including
- Predictive learning based on artificial intelligence.
- Recommendation engines.
- Customized learning.
In essence, xAPI hold the key for the future of learning technology. We haven’t even scratched the surface yet, but the Docebo-Lectora integration illustrates the vast capabilities and potential of this increasingly adopted software specification.