5 Essential Elements Of Holistic Talent Development Online Training

5 Essential Elements Of Holistic Talent Development Online Training

5 Essential Elements Of Holistic Talent Development Online Training

Characteristics Of Successful Talent Development Online Training

What’s your talent? Are you good at drawing, cooking, or running? Do you make friends easily, or remember everyone’s birthday? Talent is defined as a natural skill or aptitude, something you’re good at intrinsically. Once you identify your talent, you can enhance it with practice and training. Some talents offer self-fulfillment and personal joy, while others can be cashed in. At work, individual employee talents can help staff enjoy their jobs more and benefit the company’s bottom line. The trick is to spot these talents and put employees into roles and job titles where their talents are used directly, as well as give them the resources and support their needs in the form of a holistic talent development program. Here are 5 essential elements of a successful L&D strategy for holistic talent development online training.

5 Crucial Elements Of Successful Employee Development Training

1. Taps Into Personal Passions

(How) did you discover your talents in your youth? You probably tried out different things until you found one you were good at. Or maybe you were exposed to something at home or at school and realized you like it. If everyone around you draws or plays music, you’re more likely to pick it up. That may identify your latent gifts. In a work setting, there aren’t that many things to try out, because the focus is on productivity, not pleasure. However, people work way better when they’re having fun.

For this reason, build your talent development online training around innate talents. Offer opportunities for employees to tell you what they’re already good at, even if it’s not related to work. Have them fill out a survey of their top favorite things to do or pastimes. Instruct them to include both hobbies and talents. You can then review these and see how they can be inserted into your talent development online training strategy. Employees are more likely to engage and form an emotional connection if the online training content caters to their interests. Which also allows them to achieve harmony between their personal passions and professional pursuits.

2. Meets Individual Needs

The beauty of online training courses is scale. You could buy software for one person or fifty people. Once you’ve spotted your team’s individual talents, get them an online training course just for them. It may require more time and resources, but you’re more likely to retain your top performers. Plus, knowing you did this just for them shows them they’re valued. It sends the same message to every staffer – their individuality matters, and the company cares about them as a person. Work with them to see how or if their talent can be integrated into work tasks.

This sense of autonomy gives them more control over their career path, offering increased job satisfaction. It also further improves their work-life balance by allowing them to ‘play’ at work. For employees at the other end – those with "indistinct" talents – you can help. Someone may not think it’s a talent that they make friends easily. However, this people-charming skill is useful for sales, customer care, or any front-facing job. Help them develop this skill by showing them how their personable nature can earn lifelong customers as well as friends.

3. Prioritizes Personal Development

Many online training programs are taken for granted, both by staff and trainers. It’s a matter of course. However, talent is something your employees are personally invested in. It affects their sense of self and how they move in the world. Show them their talent and happiness are just as important to you. Prioritize talent development online training by making online training resources easily accessible and stressing the benefits of ongoing personal development. For example, give employees the power to piece together their own online training plan using your microlearning online training library. Corporate learners must always be able to develop their skills and identify areas for improvement autonomously.

4. Transforms Employees Into Self-Guided Talent Scouts

Give special attention to employees who don’t know what their talent is. Many people go through life thinking they have no special talents, when they simply haven’t identified theirs. Build a brainstorming module with millions of talent options that employees can lightly explore. It could be as simple as a word bubble where employees click the words that resonate with them. They can then follow a flow chart system that identifies a talent for them. Allow them to play with this toy as often as they like. Eventually, they’ll spot a talent that "fits." For those who are already aware of their strengths, encourage them to disclose new abilities to broaden their experience.

5. Makes The Most Of Knowledge Sharing

A holistic talent development online training program not only respects individual needs but acknowledges the importance of peer-to-peer collaboration. You have a wealth of knowledge and skills in-house. It’s in the form of employees who are willing to share their expertise with others. They may just need a bit of coaxing. For example, launch a mentoring or peer-based coaching program. Employees are able to work together to disclose and bridge skill gaps in a more private setting. Rather than having to admit their faults in a more public online discussion, like social media groups or live online training events. The pair can develop a holistic online training plan that caters to personal preferences, goals, and expectations.


Talent is inborn. Skill can be acquired by building on talent. But first, those talents have to be spotted and tapped into. Create an office culture of discovering talent and make it an organizational priority. Develop talent development online training courses to train and nurture personal talent, but make sure they’re easily accessible to all. And while you can apply talents to office work, let your team practice whatever talent they have. Whether or not the firm can monetize it. They’ll be happier, so they’ll work harder, stay longer, and improve your profit margin.

Online training certificates showcase employee achievements and allow them to provide their proficiency, among others. Find an LMS with certificate management features to motivate remote staffers and boost personal accountability.

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