How To Overcome Learning Fatigue In Your Remote Employee Training Programs

What Is Online Learning Fatigue?

What Is Online Learning Fatigue?

What Is Learning Fatigue?

It’s very common to see organizations skimp on or go overboard with employee training and development needs in certain months of the year. With remote work now becoming the norm rather than the exception, it has given rise to a new phenomenon called online learning fatigue.

L&D teams and HR professionals are trying to enforce so many training, reskilling, and upskilling requirements on their workers that it’s resulting in virtual learning fatigue.

Too much of a good thing can be bad!

What Causes Learning Fatigue In Remote Employee Training Programs?

In today’s remote working environment, learning overload and fatigue is the result of a confluence of factors, including the following:

Pressure From Corporate To Upskill/Reskill

It’s a highly competitive world, and businesses are constantly reinventing themselves to stay ahead. As a result, they’re continually retooling workforces to stay competitive, which then pressurizes employees into a continuous reskill and upskill loop, causing learning fatigue.

The Overwhelmed Remote Employee

Contrary to the misconceptions out there, most remote workers find it challenging to “unplug” or build a work-life balance in the new WFH paradigm. As a result, they end up taking more responsibilities and working more hours than they would during “regular times.” Making time to take on mandated training overwhelms them further.

Remote Working Fatigue

Working remotely, without regular in-office support networks, has its handicaps, which adds stress to the remote employees’ day. When management pushes already stressed employees to undertake additional remote employee training, it can produce fatigue points for the workforce.

Inability To Immediately Apply New Learning

The fact that most training is geared toward preparing workers for situations they may/may not face in an uncertain future only adds to virtual learning fatigue. Employees feel exhausted when they give their all to master a subject/course without knowing exactly when they’ll be able to apply what they’ve learned.

Focus On Compliance Over Substance

A lot of compliance-based training is piled onto overworked and overwhelmed remote workers—merely for the sake of ticking off checklists. The race to complete mandated course loads within stipulated deadlines adds to remote employee training fatigue.

Extended Training Time

Traditional corporate eLearning doesn’t align with the exhaustive WFH workday demands that today’s remote workforce faces. Often, remote employees attending eLearnings don’t have the traditional backfill “manning their desk.” The lengthy curriculums and prolonged completion timelines place additional stress on workers who must attend training and complete assigned (often extra) remote workloads simultaneously.

How Do You Overcome Learning Fatigue In Remote Employee Training?

The following learning design practices are key to creating learner engagement and keeping learning fatigue at bay. Here are 3 learning design strategies to help you address learning overload:

Strategy 1: Access And Flexibility

Strategy 2: Social And Collaborative Learning

Strategy 3: Designing Better Learning Programs

Parting Thoughts

Today, trainers and L&D teams are eagerly pushing a multitude of training options on remote employees. This creates learning overload, which overwhelms already stressed employees. As they grapple with the many remote employee training requirements thrust upon them, they reach an end-point where learning fatigue kicks in. Beyond this is the point where the law of diminishing marginal training returns sets in; fatigued learners can no longer engage or absorb more training, regardless of how hard you may try!

I hope this article will help you apply the recommended strategies and approaches and successfully overcome online learning fatigue in your remote employee training.

Meanwhile, if you have any specific queries, do contact me or leave a comment below.


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