eBook Release: Break Down The Accessibility Barriers

eBook Break Down The Accessibility Barriers With An LMS App

eBook Break Down The Accessibility Barriers With An LMS App

Your Guide To Launching A Learning On-The-Go Training Program With An LMS App

Modern learners won’t settle for online training resources that tie them down. They must be able to access support tools from anywhere in the world, whenever the occasion calls for it. Whether they’re working remotely or just want to brush up on skills during their downtime. But how do you facilitate learning on-the-go, especially when you’re on a tight budget? And is a mobile learning app really worth the investment? In this article, I’ll shed light on the basics and the benefits of launching a mobile learning app. Just to give you a sneak preview of what you’ll find in our eBook, Break Down The Accessibility Barriers: Your Guide To Launching A Learning On-The-Go Training Program With An LMS App.

eBook Release
Break Down The Accessibility Barriers
Find out what LMS features and tools are crucial to the success of your mobile-friendly training, and more.

LMS App Vs. Traditional Training Systems

A mobile learning app doesn’t just allow learners to access resources on a device. It ensures that they get the same benefits as their PC-counterparts. All eLearning content is optimized for the small screen. As such, they can get the training resources they require whenever it’s most convenient. Without having to worry about internet connectivity issues standing in the way of ongoing development. What does this mean for your bottom line? Well, employees are more satisfied when they have uninterrupted access to support tools. They bridge gaps autonomously and improve performance behaviors on-the-spot. Which translates into increased productivity and mitigated risks. Top talent stays within the organization instead of looking elsewhere for mobile-friendly L&D. Thereby, saving you the expense of hiring and training their replacements.

The Perks Of Implementing Learning On-The-Go

1. It Provides A Seamless Mobile Training Experience

Users can start the course on their trusty PC and transition to their mobile learning app on the device of-choice without any interruptions. This seamless mobile training experience ensures that every member of your team can achieve the ideal L&D environment. They aren’t forced to participate in a simulation in the midst of a crowded, chaotic office. Or take their certification exam in a noisy break room/training center. They get to decide when, where, and how they get the information. As a result, they’re more likely to retain it and apply it in the real world thanks to the fact that external distractions are minimized and that they can train in the right state of mind.

2. It Facilitates Learner Collaboration

This no-strings—or cables—strategy improves peer-based collaboration and communication. In other words, users have the opportunity to interact in social media discussions, participate in group-collab projects, and attend live events. They can even host their own. The LMS app doesn’t confine them to a single physical space, and they’re able to roam without sacrificing knowledge sharing. Thus, your entire workforce can exchange knowledge, skills, and experiences for the betterment of all.

3. It Offers JIT Support To Improve Performance Management

One of the most convincing reasons to invest in a mobile learning app is streamlined support. For instance, everyone can log in to the platform via the app to get JIT online training tools and overcome common obstacles. They can also use the resources to spot personal gaps and fill them immediately. Especially if you combine your mobile-friendly strategy with a microlearning library to offer bite-sized eLearning content. Employees also appreciate the fact that they can identify and resolve performance issues more discreetly. And that they’re able to do so as soon as a gap emerges, instead of waiting until the next formal online training session.

4. It Improves ROI And Employee Engagement

All the afore-mentioned benefits translate into a better Return On Investment. Not to mention, improved employee engagement, motivation, and satisfaction. They bridge gaps on their own by using JIT mobile learning resources as well as collaborate with peers to expand their knowledge. The fact that it’s a seamless experience means greater convenience and flexibility. Employees can train on their own terms on their preferred devices. Thus, you reduce training seat time, improve retention, and enhance job performance.

Your Ultimate Guide To Anytime, Anywhere Learning

Our eBook includes tips and techniques to help you implement your own mobile learning app and break down the geographical barriers without going over budget. Such as…

Download our eBook to find out how you can provide learning on-the-go with an LMS app—Break Down The Accessibility Barriers: Your Guide To Launching A Learning On-The-Go Training Program With An LMS App features tips to help you develop a realistic mobile learning budget and how to use bite-sized support to improve retention. You’ll also learn how to avoid the most common mobile learning obstacles to keep your implementation timeline on track.

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