The Legend Of Sleepy Learners (And 5 eLearning Halloween Activities To Liven Things Up)

The Legend Of Sleepy Learners (And 5 eLearning Halloween Activities To Liven Things Up)

The Legend Of Sleepy Learners (And 5 eLearning Halloween Activities To Liven Things Up)

Top eLearning Halloween Activities: Bring On The Chills And Bid Farewell To Boredom

While the townsfolk of Sleepy Hollow may have feared the Headless Horseman, most L&D professionals have another thing to dread. That's right, I'm referring to bored learners. As we all know, engagement and motivation are the keys to successful online training experiences. The human brain has a tendency to disconnect when dry and dull courses are thrown into the mix. So, here's a shortlist of top Halloween activities to liven things up a bit and bring out the best in your remote teams.

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5 Frightfully Engaging Halloween Activities For Online Learners

1. Vile Video Demos

I'm not suggesting that your training video demos should be sinister or repulsive, by any means. However, you can give them a festive flair by creating dos and don'ts video clips. For instance, show employees the worst thing that can happen if they fail to provide stellar service (within reason). Then provide an example of amazing service standards. This will give them the opportunity to evaluate both ends of the spectrum. Just be sure to keep things real so that employees can apply what they've learned and use the information to overcome practical challenges.

2. Scary Story Swaps

Who hasn't been taught a valuable life lesson by encountering an angry customer? Or maybe a member of your team has dealt with a coworker conflict that helped them build empathy and compassion. Encourage your employees to swap stories of a scary variety. It doesn't necessarily have to be ghouls and goblins. They can always give it a creative spin by framing their tale with literary devices.

3. Nightmarish Scenarios

You can take a storytelling, simulation, or branching scenario approach to this Halloween activity. The goal is to prompt employees to reflect on their performance behaviors and challenge their assumptions. For example, they may have to make tough decisions to pitch the product and land a sale using preset branching paths. Once again, you have the opportunity to add a dose of whimsy—and terror—by incorporating Halloween elements such as turning the prospect into a witch. The staff member must try to sell sweets to adorn her cottage using their negation and persuasion avoid a hex, of course.


Check out our Halloween merch to dress to impress and be the ghost with the most at your festive gathering!

4. "Gather Round The Cauldron" Q&A Sessions

Invite industry experts or in-house top performers to host their very own Q&A session. Everyone can toss their questions into the virtual cauldron beforehand so that guest speakers can prep their answers. Or you can do an impromptu question-and-answer event if presenters are up for a challenge. Try to stick with a particular theme and invite relevant speakers and attendees. Imagine the horror of your top salesperson having to field HR-related questions instead of focusing on their area of expertise.

5. Ghoulish Infographics

Create Halloween-themed infographics to spice up your curriculum and get everyone in the mood for Halloween. For example, include the top 5 safety risks or on-the-job mistakes that your customer service team must contend with. Include spooky graphics and examples that boost engagement without minimizing the importance of compliance.


No Halloween activity is complete without some spooktacular attire. Visit our merch shop to see what we have in store. From fangtastic tote bags to witchy wardrobe essentials, we've got everything you need to rock All Hallows Eve.

Other Hauntingly Good Halloween Articles To Check Out (If You Dare):

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