Localization And Translation Services eLearning

Translation And Localization In eLearning

Translation And Localization In eLearning

Translation And Localization

It is true that English has emerged as the universal language that connects the entire world. But the importance of the mother tongue is beyond any discussion or doubt. Having said that, how do we take advantage of global content that raises our level of knowledge to a great extent? The answer is translation and localization.

It is important here to understand the difference between translation and localization. By “translation” we mean the process of converting text from one language into another so that the meaning is equivalent. On the other hand, “localization” is a more comprehensive process that includes translation and, in addition, addresses cultural and non-textual components as well as linguistic issues when adapting a product or service for another country or locale.

With the advancement in technology, eLearning is being adopted on a global scale. Surely, the eLearning industry cannot lag behind in this aspect, especially considering the global nature of eLearning.

Translation And Localization In eLearning

Translation and localization in eLearning need a comprehensive and well-planned approach due to the presence of multimedia components.

Instructional Aspects

Learning is most effective when it is applied to the daily life of the learner, connecting the learner emotionally and environmentally. This specifically calls for localization rather than a literal translation. Language localization is the process of adapting a module’s translation to a specific country or region. All examples, scenarios, etc. need to be aligned to the local audience. This is a critical aspect of localization and needs a high degree of local knowledge and language skills.


Most eLearning companies have their custom workflow for the localization of eLearning modules. eLearning experts opine that a standard localization workflow should have the following basic components:


Localization is a key aspect of any learning activity, be it classroom training or eLearning. eLearning offers an additional advantage, allowing learners to choose the language. This gives the capability to roll out one single module in many languages. This makes the tracking and management of the training module easier.

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