Managing Remote Learning Using An LMS

Managing Remote Learning Using An LMS
Summary: With the number of COVID-19 cases increasing steadily, many firms have adopted remote working in an attempt to practice social distancing. Here we have listed the different ways in which an LMS facilitates remote learning,

Using An LMS To Facilitate Remote Learning

With the number of COVID-19 cases increasing steadily, many firms have adopted remote working in an attempt to practice social distancing. Public health officials have requested that people avoid public travel to contain the spread of the coronavirus. While your employees work remotely, they should be supported to do their routine work without any hindrance. Employee training is one of the many aspects that may suffer due to remote working, as many organizations may be used to traditional classroom training. But, with the right Learning Management System, employee training can continue without any time or distance barriers. Here are 8 benefits of eLearning.

1. Enables The Learners To Finish Their Courses Quickly

eLearning reduces the learning time a great extent as employees are not required to leave their workplace, unlike traditional classroom learning. According to research conducted by Brandon Hall, eLearning improves the efficiency of a course by reducing the training time by 40%–60%. As the whole process is automated, the courses can be finished swiftly.

2. Allows Your Employees To Learn At Their Convenience

eLearning provides greater flexibility to your employees as they can learn at their convenience. Employees can choose the learning material that is suitable for their learning style, and this kind of flexibility provides a personalized learning experience.

3. Improves Access To Learning Materials

eLearning allows employees to access the eLearning materials related to their course any number of times. Mostly, traditional classroom training does not offer learning materials for learners' reference. However, eLearning allows the course managers to upload files, URLs, videos, etc., which also facilitates self-learning.

4. Decreases Employee Turnover

Many employees want their employers to provide Learning and Development opportunities to improve their skills. In fact, the lack of Learning and Development opportunities is one of the main reasons why employees quit their jobs. eLearning provides a comfortable learning experience to your employees, helping them improve their skills and work better.

From these benefits, it is clear that eLearning opportunities simplify the learning process for your employees and are a good alternative to classroom training. When your employees work remotely, physical interactions become almost impossible, making employee training challenging. But, using an LMS, your employees can virtually interact with their fellow learners and course instructors irrespective of where they are. Here we have listed the different ways in which LMS facilitates remote learning,

5. Supports Live Interactive Online Sessions

An LMS helps the learners to come together instantly for live sessions. Easy courses can be learned without the supervision of tutors. However, if a few courses are difficult to grasp, then this will require live interactions with tutors. When your employees are working remotely, having live interactions with tutors can be difficult. With an LMS, interactive live sessions can be conducted as it comes with in-built video conferencing software. During the sessions, learners can take notes within the LMS. Also, the in-built chat feature allows employees to communicate and interact with their tutors and peers.

6. Allows The Learners To Discuss And Debate

In order to clarify the doubts related to the training and grasp the courses better, your employees need to have course-related discussions with their tutors and peers. When the lessons are discussed and debated, different perspectives are generated, thus improving the efficiency of the courses. An online forum within the LMS allows the learners to have real-time discussions and these discussions can be saved for future reference.

7. Eases The Assessment Process

A substantial amount of time and money is spent developing a course. So, it is essential to ensure that the learners get the most out of the course. With an LMS, tests and assignments can be uploaded online and the course instructors can identify easily if the learners have understood the course.

8. Facilitates Two-Way Feedback

Feedback plays a huge role in improving the efficiency of the learning program. The learners require constructive feedback from their tutors and managers to develop their skills better. Also, the learners can provide their feedback about the course and the instructor, which improves the efficiency of the program. The feedback from the learners can be used to personalize a course according to the learner's preference.

Using a Learning Management System, your organization's remote learning can be leveled up. It makes the training program more accessible and interactive. By providing learning opportunities, you enable your employees to build new skills, which helps them perform better. According to LinkedIn research, 76% of Generation Z employees feel that skills are essential in today's workforce. Also, a continuous learning culture increases employee satisfaction and morale.

Originally published on April 23, 2020