
October 22, 2013

Why Do Employees Forget Their Training?

Even the best looking online training courses will fail if they don’t take into account long-term knowledge retention. While easy to deliver, there is a responsibility to ensure that the information not only becomes a skill but an innate habit. Well developed elearning courses can help to stem the outward flow of knowledge.
by Eric Skilling
October 22, 2013

Going Global eLearning Best Practices

Picture this scene: you are the eLearning guru at your small to medium sized company. Your company grows, which means more work for you and maybe even additional staff to share the burden, this is great. However with growth comes a wider audience. With International growth comes an even more diverse audience with potential language barriers and connectivity issues. But this is not a problem for you, eLearning Guru. You can handle anything that comes your way!
by Tiha Baker
October 21, 2013

Creating An e-Learning School Culture

Education is constantly changing the way students learn and how instructors teach. Technology is often the driving force behind many of the world’s changes and innovations. In education, creating an e-learning culture is more about developing and tweaking what already exists, sharing a common vision, and doing things a little differently. The purpose of this article is to identify and outline a strategy for creating an e-learning culture within a school system ready to step away from traditional teaching.
by Michael Higley
October 21, 2013

eLearning Still Needs To Be Sold Or Is That Bought?

What’s as ineffective as relationship selling? Relationship buying! It appeared the problem was solved. Two martini lunches and deals done on the golf course all but disappeared under the scrutiny of a more transparent, post Sarbanes-Oxley world. But eLearning providers are for-profit businesses and deals still must be sold. So have the eLearning sales professionals all become personality-less question & answer machines while the eLearning buyers have all adopted sophisticated, measured and validated purchasing processes? Well, not quite, let me provide some background.
by Greg Morton
October 19, 2013

eLearningInfographics: The Best Education Infographics

As founder of the eLearning Industry’s network I am super excited with our new user-generated infographics site. A few months ago, several members of the eLearning Industry network contacted me requesting a website that would be dedicated to the best education infographics. Having this in mind, we formed a team of creative, hard-working, and passionate online educators. As a consequence, we just released the
by Christopher Pappas
October 18, 2013

The 5 Best Free Collaboration Tools for Teachers

In an increasingly connected world, it’s imperative for individuals to be able to work together on projects. Collaboration is essential for you as an educator and for your students as they journey through the world of academia. Utilize these 5 Best Free Collaboration Tools for Teachers to collaborate effectively with colleagues or to encourage your students to come together and create something amazing. 
by Christopher Pappas