8 Steps To Develop Successful Certification Online Training Courses

8 Steps To Develop Successful Certification Online Training Courses
Summary: Certifications motivate employees to achieve their true potential and acknowledge their professional accomplishments. In this article, I'll explore the 8 steps of developing a successful certification online training course.

A Step-By-Step Guide To Develop Successful Certification Online Training Courses

Monetary rewards may provide a temporary boost in online training participation. However, they cannot sustain long-term growth and development. It takes intrinsic rewards to truly motivate and inspire your geographically dispersed workforce. For example, certifications that allow them to proudly display their achievements and strive for meaningful goals. Here is a step-by-step walkthrough to develop an effective certification online training course for your organization.

1. Conduct A Training Needs Analysis

The first step in creating a successful certification online training program is to evaluate your current online training strategy. This allows you to identify gaps that you can address through certification online training courses. For example, on-the-job observations reveal that employees lack the necessary communication skills. They aren't able to meet the needs of customers because they cannot convey product knowledge or actively listen to their concerns. In response, you can develop a certification online training course that centers on this specific skill set. Employees have the chance to bridge the knowledge gap, and your organization sees a surge in customer satisfaction scores. Training needs analysis also allows you to develop targeted learning objectives that serve as the framework for your certification online training courses.

2. Create An eLearning Storyboard That Maps Out The Essentials

An eLearning storyboard allows you to map out every element of your certification online training course in visual format. You should include all the key online training activities, assessments, and resources that corporate learners need to earn their certificates. Placeholders are also a good idea for online training resources that are still in development or difficult to convey. For example, add a screenshot of the interactive simulation that will help corporate learners build real-world experience.

3. Include Relevant Real-World Online Training Activities

Speaking of real-world experience, certification online training isn't complete without online training simulations, scenarios, and examples that help corporate learners apply the information they've acquired. These online training activities also serve as valuable assessment tools. For example, corporate learners must be able to use their skills and knowledge to successfully complete the branching scenario and achieve a favorable outcome. Real-world examples, case studies, and stories also emphasize the benefits and applications of earning an online training certification. Thus, fueling learner motivation and active participation.

4. Break It Into Manageable Milestones

Achieving a certificate may require numerous online training courses, modules, and assessments. Especially when it involves more involved topics with a broader scope, such as earning a management online training certificate that covers a broad range of skill sets and work-related tasks. For this reason, it's best to break long-term goals into manageable milestones to keep motivation levels at an all-time high.

5. Incorporate Rewards To Maintain Motivation

Another effective way to motivate and engage your employees is to incorporate game mechanics. Specifically, rewards that acknowledge their efforts and give them the morale boost they need. For example, badges or points for every online training activity they successfully complete, or a leaderboard that tracks their progress and lets them compete with their peers to win the grand prize. It could be something as simple as the "top performer" eLearning badge. These rewards help employees connect with the online training content and actively participate as they work toward their ultimate goal. For instance, they are more likely to complete each step of the certification online training process if it results in credits or points. Another added benefit is that gamification makes the online training experience more fun and entertaining.

6. Choose The Best Assessment Method For The Task

You must be able to monitor employee progress and determine when they've met the requirements. The best way to accomplish this is to assess their performance periodically. For example, invite them to participate in an online training simulation or multiple-choice exam that tests their proficiency and knowledge. Keep in mind that the online training assessment should focus on specific behaviors, learning objectives, and desired outcomes. For instance, a written exam may not be the best option for a task-based performance evaluation. Instead, you should go with a qualitative assessment method that requires employees to use their skills and talents in a practical context.

7. Provide Immediate eLearning Feedback And Supplemental Online Training Job Aids

Online training assessments and evaluations give you the opportunity to identify areas for improvement and intervene in a timely manner by providing employees with additional online training job aids to fill individual gaps. Provide eLearning feedback as quickly as possible so that employees can address the issue before it's too late. In other words, before they have a chance to absorb inaccurate information and store it in their long-term memory. Ideally, the supplemental online training job aids should be bite-sized and easily accessible, such as a list of microlearning online training resources that serve as just-in-time online training tools.

8. Conduct Surveys To Improve Your Online Training Strategy

Even the most effective certification online training course has room to improve. But the only way to pinpoint the pain points is to evaluate your current online training strategy and gather online training feedback. One way to collect valuable data is to conduct surveys within your organization. Invite employees to share their honest opinions and thoughts on how you can improve your eLearning course design. Alternatively, you can host focus groups or one-on-one interviews to get their input. Online training feedback can also help you create new certification online training courses to meet the evolving needs of your organization. For instance, a large percentage of your employees discloses that they would like more upskilling online training certificates in certain areas. Or online training courses that focus on work-related tasks so that they can improve their proficiency and customer service scores.

These certification online training course tips are ideal for compliance training initiatives, as you have the power to keep track of completion rates in the event of an audit. You can also ensure that every member of your team stays up to date by automatically assigning certification online training paths based on their job duties.

Do your employees have room to grow and hone their talents within your organization? Read the article 8 Tips To Facilitate Professional Growth In Online Training to learn 8 top tips to give your staff the support and online training resources they need to do their very best.

Originally published on July 30, 2017