Game-Based Learning

Who doesn’t love some friendly competition, even with themselves?! Find out what game-based learning is and how it can spice things up in your eLearning course.

November 4, 2019

eBook Release: Serious Games Development In The Modern Workplace

Serious games look quite different depending on the perspective. Games have been around for thousands of years. How do you break up the content into small training sessions? How do you make sure learners can pause and return at a later time so that they can set their own pace for training and practice? Learn all about these intricate processes in the following eBook.
by Christopher Pappas
November 2, 2019

How Can Gamification Help Retain Employees?

Although gamification is not a “cure-all” as it is advertised, it does have a lot of benefits, some of which corporate organizations know, and some that they don't. In this article, we’ll discuss one such benefit, which is how gamification can help corporate organizations retain employees.
by Debadrita Sengupta