Game-Based Learning

Who doesn’t love some friendly competition, even with themselves?! Find out what game-based learning is and how it can spice things up in your eLearning course.

August 6, 2019 | Sponsored

How Do You Know If You're Ready For Gamification?

Gamification is one of the most effective methods for learners to absorb and retain information while having fun in the process. Your learners may be ready for a gamified approach, but how can you know if your content will convert well into a game?
by Blake Beus
June 20, 2019

What Is Soft Skills Training And Why Is It So Important?

Want to improve your employee’s soft skills? The most effective way to do so is through game-based training. Games provide a fun and safe environment to learn, practice, fail, and ultimately master critical skills. But not all games are created equal. This article outlines a variety of solutions.
by Stephen Baer