Game-Based Learning

Who doesn’t love some friendly competition, even with themselves?! Find out what game-based learning is and how it can spice things up in your eLearning course.

October 26, 2021 | Sponsored

Competition For Attention, Is L&D Being Left Behind?

Attention is often described as the link between perception and memory; if we pay more attention to something, we are more likely to remember it later. But with so many other options available, how can L&D programs compete to capture and maximize learners’ limited time and attention?
by Stephen Baer
October 22, 2021

Gamification Of Learning

Based on the previous meta-analysis, we predict that the game condition will be associated in media comparisons with better learning outcomes than the non-game condition. Many studies have included games as a condition for additional play-free instruction.
by Emmy Michelle
September 28, 2021 | Sponsored

The Path To Profitability: Why Financial Literacy Learning Is Essential For Managers

What process do organizations go through when deciding to build a true learning game? This is a fable if you will. The company, AshCom, is fictional, but their story is based on a real company that wanted to increase its managers’ financial literacy. The learning team’s challenge is to find a way to increase management’s understanding of corporate finance ⎯ not a subject that is near and dear to most peoples’ hearts.
by Gerald L. Zandstra PhD