Instructional Design

The concept of Instructional Design. Models, theories, trends, pitfalls, and anything you need to know, written from our Instructional Design experts.

January 3, 2017

3 Instructional Design Strategies For Virtual Reality Learning

As the field of instructional technology pivots quickly to Virtual Reality, online learning developers must chose the correct strategy for creating the Virtual Reality learning experience. Otherwise learners will have a “cool” experience in the Virtual Reality environment, but not have tangible learning results.
by Karl Kapp
December 25, 2016

5 Ways To Avoid Overwhelming Learners

We constantly hear of people suffering from information overload on social media. But we don’t realize that this can happen in a controlled environment too. What happens when we throw too much content at learners? Information overload. In this article, we talk about ways we can avoid overwhelming learners.
by Srividya Kumar
November 22, 2016

5 Ways To Make Learners Receptive To Learning

An important ingredient for a course to succeed is make students receptive to learning. How can we get this right, opening up their minds for the possibility of learning, and thereby making full use of what the course has to offer? Read on to find out.
by Srividya Kumar
November 21, 2016

6 Ways To Use Mistake-Driven Learning

We are fastidious about teaching learners all the right things. Do this, then do that, and then that. We don’t want to miss out on any point, lest they make a mistake. But what can mistakes teach us? Here is how to use mistake-driven learning by building mistakes purposefully into your courses and leverage them for teaching.
by Srividya Kumar