Learner Engagement

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June 5, 2021

How To Reach Online Learners Smartly

Reaching out to online learners seems to be a challenge because apparently, the learners can hide behind technology. But, experienced online teachers often claim that it is easier to capture the attention of the learners while conducting an online class.
by Anand Vardhan Tiwary
May 26, 2021 | Sponsored

Taking Another Look At Engagement In Online Courses And Training Developed As A Result Of COVID

When the COVID-19 virus shut down everything last year, many institutions had to quickly revise face-to-face courses or institutional trainings to be offered online. Now that these have been implemented for a while, it is a great time to take another look and evaluate the level of engagement and interactivity, which is so important to learning. If your experience is anything like mine, having the time to transform face-to-face courses and trainings did not allow for the level of engagement that would have been possible given more time. In this article, I have provided simple ways to increase the level of learner engagement and interest.
by Ann Jackson, ED.D
May 13, 2021

3 Keys To Effective Adult Online Instruction

The pandemic has raised the stakes for those who have already been in, or are relatively new to, the online instructional space. Are you going to seize this opportunity? When you spice up your visuals, prioritize your biggest points and watch your tone, those are strong signals that you are ready.
by Michael Welles