Learning Psychology

Are you looking for the best eLearning articles about learning psychology and brain facts? Learning theories, knowledge retention techniques, neuroscience fundamentals and much more, written by our top experts worldwide.

March 19, 2020

Turning On, Tuning In, And Dropping Out

What is self-regulation? How does it correlate with the successful completion of online courses/programs? How can we help our online learners become more self-regulated? Mary Burns explains the what, why, and how of self-regulation in online learning.
by Mary Burns
August 11, 2019 | Sponsored

5 Essential Design Tips For Implementing Emotional Learning

As Pink says in the book ‘A Whole New Mind’: “It’s no longer sufficient to create a product, a service, an experience, or a lifestyle that’s merely functional. Today, it’s economically crucial and personally rewarding to create something that is also beautiful, whimsical, or emotionally engaging.” Design is utility enhanced by significance. The content this eBook covers is its utility. The exercises, visuals, fonts, and other elements that make it a pleasure to read constitute its significance. For a long time, design could be afforded by only a privileged few. However, in the last couple of decades, design has become affordable and this has helped organizations and businesses, which focus on design, emerge as winners in the race among equally priced, equal-quality products/services.
by Sushmitha K
August 6, 2019

eBook Release: eLearning Design And The 'Right' Brain

How do you make sure that information really sticks to the learner and goes from being a one-off experience to a life lesson? This eBook helps you explore the interactive elements in eLearning, specifically the ones that will appeal to the right brain and help create memorable, sticky learning experiences.
by Christopher Pappas
July 10, 2019

Use Vicarious Learning To Enrich Your Teaching Blend

The unique ability of human beings to observe and think through what they are hearing, seeing and feeling creates the not-to-be-missed opportunity for vicarious learning. This powerful opportunity can deliver continuous iteration and reinforcement of capability if we teach people how to use it.
by Phil McInnes
May 23, 2019
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Non-Conscious Aspects Of Learning And Performance

In a former life, I worked as a health educator. I still love building this type of instruction. But here’s the thing. Changing people’s health behavior is very difficult, which shouldn’t be a surprise to people who develop workplace instruction. Work behavior is hard to change, just like health behavior. This article will explain an important reason why changing thinking and behavior is so difficult.
by Patti Shank, PhD