
Useful resources about Microlearning and its contribution to the eLearning process. Share our posts or submit your own article. See more.

October 29, 2022

4 Advantages Of Microlearning For Your Organization

Because it is less feasible for today’s on-the-go workforce to attend training sessions, organizations must make learning and training more accessible. Conventional training methods don’t seem to be adequate for continuous skills updates as they confine learners to closed structures.
by Neethi Kumar
September 29, 2022 | Sponsored

What Is Microlearning?

With the changed workplace dynamics and need to offer more short, focused remote learning, microlearning is a must-have learning strategy today. In this article, I show you the benefits and best ways to use microlearning in corporate training.
by Asha Pandey
August 16, 2022 | Sponsored

Microlearning In 2022

We have heard of microlearning many times in the last few years as one primary mode of implementing digital learning. However, the question remains: is it effective or overrated? I will try answering the question in this article.
by Suresh Kumar DN