Adult Learning Theories

There is no better way to find all the information you need on Adult Learning Theories. Benefits, useful tips, best practices, relevant resources, learning models and methods presented by the best professional eLearning authors, only at eLearning Industry.

March 4, 2014

21st Century Classrooms with 20th Century Learning Theories

The 20th century brought forth several changes in the field of education. These changes include teaching methods and pedagogies, teaching and learning theories, and new perspectives on where America’s education is heading. In the 21st century, classrooms called online classrooms or virtual classrooms are emerging in vast numbers, all accessible 24/7, across towns and cities and certainly across the nations. Still, how much can 21st century classrooms benefit from 20th century theories?
by Dorothy Kropf
January 28, 2014

Marczewski’s Gamification User Types

Whilst many people are aware of Bartle’s Player Types, they may not be aware that Richard Bartle himself is of the opinion they do not translate well to non MMO games or non game related systems – especially gamified systems. As such, I went back to the drawing board to look closer at motivations that may drive users within gamified systems and how they can be used to design better experiences.
by Andrzej Marczewski