Corporate eLearning Best Practices

All you need to know about Corporate eLearning Best Practices. Information, benefits, useful tips, technologies and valuable resources from eLearning Industry, featuring by eLearning professionals with the higher-level instructional design qualifications.

September 6, 2017

Social Learning Using SharePoint

Social animals are creatures that are greatly interactive with other members of its species, with an individual animal's success highly dependent on the overall cohesion and propagation of the group. As humans, we are programmed to flock toward social situations; so it makes sense to add social features into training programs in order to create a much needed atmosphere for success. This article will explore how SharePoint provides the social tools necessary to achieve desired training outcomes.
by Amber Johnson
September 3, 2017

Top 3 Soft Skills Every Training Program Should Target

Soft skills constitute an immutable need to every company’s operations. There are certain soft skills all employees of a company are expected to have regardless of level or position, in order for the company to prosper. In this article, I’ll present the top 3 soft skills every soft skills training program should focus on and try to develop.
by Erin Boettge
August 27, 2017 | Sponsored

Conducting A Successful Soft Skills Training Program: 4 Crucial Aspects You Cannot Overlook

Soft skills are a prerequisite in almost every corporate position. Although we sometimes take soft skills for granted, reality has shown that many employees lack them. Fortunately though, there is a way to help employees develop soft skills, or at least improve them. In this article, I’ll present 4 crucial aspects you cannot overlook if you want to run a successful soft skills training program.
by Erin Boettge
August 26, 2017

Scalable Workforce Onboarding: Formats, Measuring And ROI Aspects You Should Know About

Before investing in an scalable workforce onboarding program you have to be aware of certain factors to make an informed decision. Schoolkeep’s free ebook Scalable Workforce Onboarding for Fast-Growing Brands educates on formats, measuring and ROI aspects in scalable workforce onboarding that are significant and you should know about. In this article, I’ll present what this great eBook has to offer.
by Stephen Cornwell