Corporate eLearning Trends

Find here the latest Corporate eLearning Trends. Online training best practices, compliance training, leadership online training and much more. Read articles about the future of the eLearning Industry with forecasts, written from our eLearning experts.

September 25, 2015

Ubiquitous Learning: What Every Education Organization Needs To Know

While a variety of platforms have been developed and tested in the eLearning space -blended learning, flipped classrooms, gamified learning, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), and more- the perspective of ubiquitous learning has rarely been applied in a concrete way to real online/computer-based educational efforts. This article presents a broad view of ubiquitous learning in the Professional Education context and some quick ways for education organizations to begin building ubiquitous learning efforts.
by Ashish Rangnekar
September 10, 2015

7 Tips For Creating Tablet-Friendly eLearning Courses

Mobile device usage is rapidly growing, and eLearning’s natural evolution is headed in the direction of tablet-friendly eLearning courses. In this article, I’ll offer some insights and advice on how to create tablet-friendly eLearning courses that are easily accessible for your mobile learners.
by Christopher Pappas
August 25, 2015

7 Ways Wearable Technology Could Be Used In Corporate Training

Wearable gadgets used to be reserved for international men of mystery and futuristic starship crews. Thanks to the advancements in modern technology, anyone can get information on the go with smartwatches and smart glasses. In this article, I'll offer insight into how wearable Technology could transform the world of corporate training.
by Christopher Pappas
August 22, 2015

Social Learning: 3 Ways Of Twitter Utilization To Support And Enhance The Impact Of Instructor-led Training

New-age web-based social learning tools such as Wikis, Blogs, Podcasts, Videocasts and Media sharing sites such as YouTube, social networking sites like Facebook or LinkedIN, content aggregation and organization, such as RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds and tagging tools as well as social messaging sites like Twitter, can create collaborative knowledge with the concerted efforts of all learners. The utilization of micro-blogging sites like Twitter include sharing different types of media files along with short and concise text, which can contribute to interaction in the classroom and improve the quality of knowledge imparted.
by Heena Nanda
August 10, 2015

The Pedagogy Behind MOOCs: What eLearning Professionals Should Know

What are the peculiarities of designing an online course that addresses to such a big audience? What does it mean in terms of instructional design? And is there an ideal pedagogy behind MOOCs? In this article, I’ll explain the peculiarities of an instructional design for “massive” learning, the different pedagogical approaches behind xMOOCs and cMOOCs, and I’ll show you how to motivate your learners in order to maximize the effectiveness of your MOOC courses and minimize dropout rates.
by Marisa Keramida (M.Ed.)
August 3, 2015

What Is Wrong With MOOCs? Key Issues To Consider Before Launching Your First MOOC

Despite the extensive critique they have received since they first appeared back in 2008, without any doubt, MOOCs consist today the latest trend in online learning. As MOOC initials stand for Massive Open Online Courses, by definition, they raise some key issues for which eLearning professionals who want to keep up-to-date with latest trends in the field may need further clarification. In this article, I’ll discuss these key definition issues, I’ll explain why MOOCs have not received the expected attention up to present, and I’ll highlight the critiques they have received as important factors to consider before launching your first MOOC course.
by Marisa Keramida (M.Ed.)
July 28, 2015

Aligning Learning To Business

In order to align learning to business, Learning and Development has to understand what the business wants and needs and how to then deliver it. Read this article to find out how Towards Maturity's research is revealing the steps Learning and Development professionals need to take in order to partner for success with the business.
by Laura Overton, FCIPD, FLPI