Corporate Training

Find the latest Corporate Training articles. Definition, best practices and trends of Corporate Training from our top eLearning authors. Articles for eLearning professionals who want to create effective Corporate Training that improves companies and employees development. Find out more!

February 28, 2015

3 Reasons To Switch To Online Training

The ‘80s and the ‘90s gave birth to a new generation – a generation that has forced organizations to rethink their training strategy. If your organization has not made the switch to online training yet, this article will make you rethink your training strategy.
by Heera Edwin
February 27, 2015

Training and Responsive Design (Your Phone is Not a TV!)

It’s no secret that Bring Your Own Device is infiltrating our companies today. While it can lead to many benefits, it can also create headaches for your IT department. Besides security issues, there are responsive design elements that must be taken into consideration, especially for your training programs.
by Payton Sherry
February 25, 2015

The Anatomy Of Good Gamified eLearning

You can’t go to a learning conference these days without seeing a session or ten on gamification; it’s becoming more common to be asked to “add gamification” to a learning experience. But what is ‘gamification’ and how can it help you to design great elearning?
by Li Whybrow
February 22, 2015

Online Training: Evolution Or Revolution?

There isn’t a business in any industry today that doesn’t feel the heat to transform themselves on a yearly, quarterly, monthly, or even a daily basis. The eLearning industry is no different. So this begs the question: Is the online training market in an evolution or a revolution?
by John Eades
February 19, 2015

How Utility Warehouse Rolled Out Responsive eLearning To 46,000 BYOD Learners

Utility Warehouse, part of Telecom Plus PLC is a multi-award winning provider to 550,000 homes and small businesses throughout the UK. They have a team of 46,000 distributors. Paul Goundry, Head of Learning had a grand vision: To put the experience of high performing distributors ‘in the pocket’ of new distributors with fully responsive elearning. This is the story of how he achieved it with Elucidat.
by Li Whybrow
February 16, 2015

BYOD: What Training Professionals Need to Know

According to TechTarget, “BYOD (bring your own device) is the increasing trend toward employee-owned devices within a business. Smartphones are the most common example but employees also take their own tablets, laptops and USB drives into the workplace.”
by Payton Sherry
February 11, 2015 | Sponsored

Creating A More Meaningful Customer Experience With Mobile Learning Devices

More than a third of every dollar spent in the US is influenced by consumers’ digital interactions. With 84% of US shoppers using their mobile devices before or during a shopping trip, it is becoming increasingly important that the in-store experience matches up to the way we shop online. Introducing a digital element to the physical retail environment is a way to leverage the power of digital for a more meaningful customer experience
by Mike Alcock