eLearning Best Practices

Looking for eLearning Best Practices? Need to know how to develop effective, meaningful and successful eLearning courses? Find out at eLearning Industry, share our resources and submit your article!

August 22, 2016

3 Characteristics Of A Competent eLearning Team

Too many eLearning teams are unable to quickly create and deliver training material that meets changing business needs. In this article, we look at what makes a competent eLearning team and why it's important for teams to use smarter eLearning processes to keep their eLearning relevant.
by Steve Penfold
August 7, 2016

5 Tips For An Effective Learning Management System Migration

Whether your Learning Management System (LMS) is outdated, or your company needs the newest version of the program, at some point in a professional career a transition to a new Learning Management System can be expected. To make sure the Learning Management System migration is seamless and productive, it is important to identify several key pieces before the transition.
by Erica Lasola-Caramol
August 3, 2016

eLearning Two Step: An Overview Of Instruction

Online learning has been described as "one step forward for technology and two steps backwards for instruction". This first of two articles provides an eLearning two step overview of different instructional approaches we can use with online learners.
by Mary Burns
July 20, 2016

Is The Microlearning Solution The New Black?

The microlearning solution breaks down the traditional long training or learning curriculum into easily consumable pieces of information by breaking it up. It takes a course or a module and deconstructs it to form building blocks of information that can be personalized according to the needs of the learner.
by Anand Timothy
July 4, 2016

5 Tips For Using eLearning Infographics

How do you improve comprehension, simplify complex ideas, and highlight trends in a visually compelling way? The answer is through eLearning infographics. In this article, I'll explore 4 of benefits of using eLearning inforgraphics, as well as 5 tips on how to include them in your eLearning course design.
by Christopher Pappas