7 Tips To Curate Amazing eLearning Content

7 Tips To Curate Amazing eLearning Content
Summary: Even the most knowledgeable among us can’t have all the answers… but they don’t need to, if they know how to curate eLearning content. In this article, I’ll share 7 helpful tips for curating amazing eLearning content for your eLearning course.

How To Curate Amazing eLearning Content

Curators are individuals who seek out resources to add to a collection. In the case of eLearning, curators are always on the hunt for new information to add to their eLearning courses. eLearning content curators must peruse eLearning articles, social media sites, and a variety of other online resources for essential data. They must also sift through all of the information to find the key ideas and concepts, then organize it for online learner consumption. Here are the 7 top tips to curate amazing eLearning content for your eLearning course.

1. Know What Your Online Learners Need

You cannot curate great eLearning content if you don't know which type of eLearning content you're looking for. Conduct surveys, social media polls, and interviews to get to know your online learners and the goals they are trying to achieve. Which skills do they need to develop in order to be more productive? What information do they require to solve a common problem or challenge? Researching your target audience helps you target your eLearning content curation efforts so that you can focus on what's truly important and make the most of your time.

2. Focus Your Audience Research Efforts

Once you've identified the nature of the eLearning content you're looking for, it's time to narrow it down to key ideas and sub-topics. For example, you know that your online learners are looking for information about marketing and promotion. But what skills do they need to develop? What are they trying to market and to whom? Which marketing techniques are they going to find beneficial? Create an outline or mind map that includes all of the categories you must research. If you can't find your focus, then it may be necessary to create questionnaires or conduct eLearning focus groups to obtain more information about your eLearning audience.

3. Find Reliable Sources

Knowing where to find information is one of the most challenging aspects of eLearning content curation. Particularly if you are looking for factual, verifiable information. There is plenty of data out there, but do you have a list of reliable sources that you can use? After all, you can't believe everything you read on social media or forums. Established news sites, authoritative websites and blogs, and press releases are great sources of information. You can also subscribe to magazines and peruse books that are penned by Subject Matter Experts.

4. Identify The Ideal Method For eLearning Content Curation

There are actually a number of different methods of eLearning content curation to consider. The method you choose depends on the needs of your online learners, available online resources, and time constraints. Here are 5 of the most common eLearning content curation methods [1]:

1. Aggregation

Collecting all of the information that you can find about the topic and then compiling it one place. For example, creating a list of links that focuses on a specific idea or concept. Online learners do not need to look for the eLearning content on their own, which saves time.

2. Distillation

Collecting the information and then selecting the sources that are most relevant and valuable. This is the basis of eLearning content curation, as you only need to provide online learners with essential information. Otherwise, you run the risk of causing cognitive overload.

3. Elevation

Identifying a trend or pattern in the information you've collected. This typically involves bite-sized bits of information, such as social media posts or forum comments.

4. Merging

Merging information from different sources to offer a fresh perspective. For example, sharing multiple social media posts or blog entries that look an issue from different angles. This can also apply to news articles and book excerpts that share unique viewpoints.

5. Chronological

Gathering information from different points in the past and then organizing them on a timeline. This helps to show how an idea or trend has evolved over a period of time.

5. Create Data Groups And Categories

Online learners don't have a lot of time to search through pages of online resources. They need to be able to quickly click on the link and get timely information. After you've curated your eLearning content, divide it into distinct groups and categories. You can even create an entire eLearning course using this method, as it chunks the eLearning content into easily digestible modules. For example, online learners who need to develop a specific skill can click on that resource section and access the links whenever they're ready.

6. Create An eLearning Content Guide

If you are not going to include all of the information in your eLearning course, offer a link list at the end that online learners can explore on their own. You should also provide a good mix of online resources, such as eLearning articles, videos or charts, in order to cater to different learning needs and preferences. Online learners who want to explore the subject even further may benefit from a recommending reading list that features eBooks, magazine articles, and other relevant sources.

7. Double Check Your Data

You don't want to create a winning eLearning course or pass along helpful information only to discover that your data is inaccurate. It's important to double check all of your key facts and stats so that you know everything is spot-on. This is especially true for controversial information that is hotly debated, and may divide your audience. If possible, get direct quotes from top sources and find at least two or three different reliable eLearning sites, blogs, or news organizations that back up your eLearning content.

The internet is a treasure trove of information, which makes eLearning content curation even more challenging. You have to be able to determine what your online learners need, where to find it, and how to convey the information most effectively. Use this article to curate eLearning content that your online learners are looking for and achieve your learning objectives.

In this fast-paced, tech-centric world we live in, bite-sized is better! Read the article 7 Tips To Create Memorable Microlearning Online Training to discover some of the tips that can help you create memorable microlearning online training experiences and offer your corporate learners the information they need in a fraction of the time.


  1. The 5 Models Of Content Curation
Originally published on July 6, 2016