eLearning Development Best Practices

Anything you need to know about eLearning Development Best Practices, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide. The biggest and most thorough collection of eLearning Development Best Practices, for eLearning professionals who need to create high-quality eLearning courses.

February 27, 2014

What Students Love about e-Learning Courses

Since a continually increasing number of students are turning to online education, there are numerous courses available on the internet. Designing a basic online course may be difficult and is no different than working on an eLearning course. If you wish to design an effective e-learning program, that’ll make the transition from classroom to e-learning as pleasant as possible for the students, then that is a different story. It requires a good deal of time, planning, and hard work.
by Candice Smith
February 16, 2014

Top 4 Tips for Designing Information-Based Courses

We design more information-based courses today than we would care to admit. Agreed, these courses can instead be called web pages, cheat sheets, information dumps, knowledge  stores, etc. They don’t necessarily have to fall under the ambit of ‘courses’. But whatever we call them, the fact remains that these are designed by learning designers, and we would do well to keep a few good practices in mind before we set upon designing them. 
by Ravi Pratap Singh
February 14, 2014

The Basics of Scenario-Based e-Learning

In this post, I will walk you through the various aspects of scenario-based eLearning, so that you can design eLearning courses which not only keep the learners motivated and engaged, but provide them with the best possible educational experience that effectively enhances their skill sets and/or knowledge base.
by Christopher Pappas
February 7, 2014

7 Common Instructional Design Pitfalls in E-learning Storyboards

Storyboard writing is a core skill that all e-learning instructional designers must master. Yet there are common pitfalls that pop up frequently - both for newbies and seasoned instructional designers. Get these valuable tips for improving your e-learning storyboards: your team, your client, and - especially - your reviewer will thank you!
by Catherine Davis
February 5, 2014

Cognitive Load Theory And Instructional Design

Understanding the basics of the Cognitive Load Theory and applying them to your instructional design is an absolute must, particularly if you want your learners to get the most out of the eLearning course you are creating. This guide will offer you a detailed look at Cognitive Load Theory, including how it can be applied in learning settings. Check the Cognitive Load Theory and Instructional Design article and presentation to find more.
by Christopher Pappas
February 3, 2014 | Sponsored

Can You Really Change Behavior Using eLearning Design? Yes!

If your learners are able to keep their eyes open, does that mean your e-learning good enough? Unlikely. Chances are, the knowledge they retained long enough to answer a few multiple-choice questions will drift away as they head back to their busy jobs and lives. Leveraging e-learning design to change behavior requires higher standards, new techniques, and different approaches. Let’s make 2014 the year of memorable learning.
by Erin Krebs
January 29, 2014

12 Questions eLearning Developers Should Answer

As an eLearning Developer, motivating learners is an important consideration because in reality learners are not always motivated to learn. They’re busy, they have other things to do, they don’t see the course as being important or have had a bad experience in the past. Would you like to motivate your learners based on the ARCS Model?
by Matthew Guyan
January 23, 2014

6 Tips For Storyboarding Like A Pro

Storyboarding is a helpful planning technique, and it’s not just for mapping out movies! You can benefit from storyboarding your e-Learning course - but first, let’s take a look at where this brilliant idea came from! Then, we’ll explore some tips to help you storyboard like a pro. 
by Christie Wroten