eLearning Future

eLearning Future: trends, educational technologies, authoring tools, software and valuable resources about eLearning Future at eLearning Industry. Find out all the information, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide.

December 9, 2017 | Sponsored

9 eLearning Trends For 2018

eLearning adoption is growing steadily across the globe in the last few years. With newer technologies and devices, the approach and mode of eLearning adoption are changing rapidly, too.
by Suresh Kumar DN
December 5, 2017

Is Your Learning Technology Fit For 2018 And Beyond?

Your learning technology needs to equip you with the tools to ensure your content performs effectively over time. Make the right decision, and you can adapt your eLearning to your learner’s changing needs. Choose the wrong technology and you’ll be lumped on-going headaches.
by Steve Penfold
December 4, 2017

How ‘Deep’ Is Deep Learning?

The secret sauce to training/ learning success doesn't lie in AI alone. It goes far and beyond to encompass learning in all its avatars, and its utilization for employee, process, and business improvement.
by Amit Gautam
November 26, 2017

Forging A New Vision For Global eLearning, Part 1

As technology advances at an exponential rate, we are reaching a point where we will experience a perfect storm where advances in technology will impact with the state of our pedagogy, and overwhelm our efforts to handle change. This article explores the need of a new vision to harness these forces.
by Ken Turner(LION)