Employee Training

Need to know everything about Employee Training? Read all the articles about Employee Training, produced by our best eLearning authors. Learning needs, tips, online training tools, dos and don’ts you need to keep in mind when developing your online training strategy, everything in eLearning Industry.

September 26, 2020

ILT To eLearning Conversion And Its Benefits

There was a time when Instructor-Led training or ILT, also called classroom training, used to be the only mode of training. However, with the advent of technology, the virtual model of learning, known as eLearning, has become popular and has now become the preferred mode of training.
by Satyabrata Das
September 23, 2020

4 Tips On Creating Effective Remote Onboarding

If you’re thinking of adopting a fully remote or hybrid workforce, you’ll need to reconsider how you onboard future employees. That’s why we’ve put together all our best tips for adapting your onboarding program to cater for employees working from home.
by Claire Boucher