eLearning eBooks

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January 19, 2021 | Sponsored

eBook Release: eLearning Trends In 2021

My eBook, eLearning Trends in 2021, is designed as a guide that you can refer to as you firm up your L&D plans for 2021. The featured trends are contextualized for application, given the new workplace dynamics.
by Asha Pandey
January 18, 2021 | Sponsored

Volatility In A Business Enviroment

Every major organization ends up facing some aspects of volatility. As long as you are able to prepare for this and understand the dynamics of your business environment, there is no reason to panic.
by Matt Cross
January 18, 2021 | Sponsored

Tackling The Big Data Challenges: 5 Bear-Traps In Learning Analytics (And How To Avoid Them)

Research over the past few years has shown that while learning analytics and data are seen as a critical focus area for learning and development, learning professionals are not confident in their data skills and see big data challenges ahead as they respond to calls from the business to be more data-driven. Where are the potential pitfalls for L&D, and how should they avoid them?
by Emma Whiteside