Learning Management System Software

Learning Management System Software. A great selection of eLearning articles about Learning Management System Software, written from our Learning Management System Software experts. Click to read, share our valuable resources or submit your article!

August 11, 2014

LMS Scalability: What You Need To Know!

Scalability is one of the most sought-after requirements when it comes to selecting a Learning Management System today. In this blog post we will look at this concept and why it’s important to have a system that can adapt to changes in the corporation and corporate training programs.
by Dario De Angelis
August 3, 2014

Traditional vs. Modern Learning Systems

As we consider upgrading our learning systems to meet the needs of our future rock stars, training administrators, business-line managers, and Human Resources departments, it is probably best to forget the definitions of the traditional systems and focus our sights on a modern learning system, regardless of its classification or name. For seasoned learning professionals, this can be a difficult thing to do.
by Monica Kraft
June 24, 2014

Muddling Through Moodle

For a company considering an LMS solution, spending $100,000 annually can cause sticker shock. In return, the organization receives an untried delivery channel to host, track, and report on the training content delivered to employees, distribution channels, and customers. Alternatively, many Software as a Service (SAS) LMS solutions have a cost-per-registered user model that seems affordable when you have a limited number of users, but can ramp up to be a very pricey annual expense if you have a large user base.
by Dan Keckan
September 10, 2013

5 Step Planning For Your Next LMS

Do you know what it takes to create a successful LMS Plan? Purchasing a new learning management system is exciting, but having a strong plan will ensure your selection meets the needs of your organization. Follow this 5-step approach to properly prepare, define, and select your next LMS.
by Tanveer Makhani