LMS Features

Open source LMSs, eLearning platforms, variety of cases and anything you need to know about LMS Features, written by the best eLearning experts worldwide. Check our articles.

June 3, 2018

An LMS Implementation Planning Primer

The learning curve for an implementation is unforgiving. A successful addition to your learning system involves a lot of Project Management and direct ownership. Having been on both sides of implementation—successful and less so—this is my advice if you have an implementation in mind.
by Joseph Cunningham
May 30, 2018

4 Reasons To Scrap Your LMS: What To Ask Before You Do

There are 4 main reasons for an organization to consider moving from one LMS to another, and they are similar reasons for discarding any enterprise system. But even if all 4 apply to you, before you run out and replace your LMS, take some time to objectively evaluate your existing system.
by Kathleen Lowe