Online Learning

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May 7, 2016

Preparing Your Online Learning Strategy For The Millennials

Millennials are the first generation to grow up entirely with technology and is truly comfortable using it and being around it. For them, technology is not an extra… it is an integral part of their live, almost like an extension of themselves. Millennials want technology to make their lives easier, faster, better, flexible, and more interactive and have a more pervasive presence. While we might not want to generalize, the millennial generation wants technology to be a part of their homes, their community, and their jobs. However, if you go online you’ll find a number of articles branding this generation as shallow, undisciplined, non-aspirational, and extremely demanding. Now that, according to me, is where the gross generalization starts.
by Anand Timothy
May 5, 2016

5 Ways Mobile Learning Helps Improve Study Habits

A recent study by McGraw-Hill Education shows that more students are turning to mobile devices to help them study. Most career advancement opportunities and educational programs rely heavily on exam performance, but there are many factors that hamper a person's ability to study effectively and pass those exams. Let's explore 5 ways in which mobile learning, or mLearning, helps improve study habits.
by Peter Murphy
April 22, 2016

eLearning Courses, The Saviors Of The Academic Textbook

Traditional book sales have dropped globally in the last half-decade. This is no longer some technology guru’s forecast, but a true and proven fact in the international publishing industry. The number of books sold has steadily dropped in recent years, decreasing by almost a third in countries deeply damaged by the economic crisis, like Spain or Italy, and hence the number of books printed has gradually been reduced. This trend includes trade, educational, and STM (Science, Technical and Medical) publications, the latter two being the most affected. A drop in sales reveals the need for a change in the business model so that the academic publishing industry can remain profitable. Enter eLearning courses.
by Teresa Lopez
April 9, 2016

The Increasing Ease Of eLearning

Gone are the days where students were only given the option of studying in person, forced to waste most of their day attending just a few classes. Now, with the increasing popularity and ease of eLearning, students no longer need to make arduous journeys to their classrooms and can instead find the model of learning that best suits them.
by Vikas Rana
April 7, 2016

Distance Learning: 10 Ways To Keep Your Motivation High

While eLearning provides a convenient way to acquire knowledge, the lack of face-to-face and personal interaction poses a great challenge in sustaining interest in the course or program. This article provides 10 pragmatic ways for students to remain engaged in distance learning and complete their online course.
by Mary Kleim
April 3, 2016

4 eLearning Disconnects Within Higher Education Institutions

Higher education faces a number of challenges which need to be addressed in order to enhance prestige and market share. The prospect of providing online education is becoming increasingly appealing to institutions that wish to expand their offerings; however, such undertakings should not be thought of lightly. Especially since higher education institutions face a number of fundamental disconnects that make this prospect difficult, if not impossible.
by Arthu Schneider
March 23, 2016

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy In eLearning

One huge obstacle in education since the beginning of time is the self-fulfilling prophecy. This prophecy is problematic for teachers as well as students. Here is how eLearning can minimize its negative effects on academic performance, and maybe even use the prophecy to its own advantage.
by Christiaan Henny
March 17, 2016

7 Practical Tips To Show Your Online Students How To Learn Before You Start Teaching

Online educators make great efforts to bring serious changes in the educational system. However, they often forget about something really important: Not all online students know how to learn. Students need incentives, tips, and strategies that help them manage their time and handle the courses they take. This article offers 7 practical tips that show how educators can teach their online students to learn before guiding them through the curriculum.
by Laura Jonson