
The biggest and most thorough collection of Simulations. Anything you need to know about Simulations, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide. Share our valuable resources or submit your article!

January 31, 2016 | Sponsored

6 Tips To Create An Efficient Training Simulation With ITyStudio

No matter what the subject is, having those so-called «Aha!» moments is definitely one of the most satisfying experiences you can live as a learner. You know, those moments when you suddenly understand a memorable truth. After all, as a training manager, this is what you aim for: You want your attendees to improve their skills on a certain area, by providing them pedagogical content, whether physical or digital. In this regards, a training simulation can be the way to go. In this article, you will discover how to create a training simulation that brings you results, using the authoring tool ITyStudio to illustrate our examples.
by Yann Teyssier
January 26, 2016 | Sponsored

4 Tips To Create 2D Simulations With ITyStudio

Enterprise gamification leads companies to move from classical and linear eLearning modules to more interactive training, for instance serious games. In these simulations, you are actually trying to represent real life case scenario for your employees. In a previous article, we discussed how to create engaging 3D simulations with ITyStudio. Even if 3D simulations are great, they are not the only way to go; you can also aim for 2D simulations. 2D simulations broaden your pedagogical possibilities, allowing you to diversify the environments of your training modules, as well as the way your learners feel the training. In this article, we are going to cover how to create engaging 2D simulations, using the authoring tool ITyStudio as an example.
by Yann Teyssier
January 19, 2016 | Sponsored

4 Tips To Create 3D Simulations With ITyStudio

Regardless of our age, playing with simulators (such as flight or driving simulators, stock market investment) and video games (such as World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Starcraft) usually brings us on the path to experiencing and learning new things. Have you ever wondered why? Well, simply put, if our goal is to win the game, we will have to learn and explore the system, in order to be successful. Actually, this is exactly what game-based learning is all about, and this the very best way to obtain great results quickly with your learners. Indeed, by giving your attendees the opportunity to interact with the environment of the training module, and thus to impact the outcome of the simulation, you will engage them and make them retain the pedagogical material more efficiently. The best way to do so is by creating 3D simulations. In this article, we are going to breakdown the main benefits of setting up 3D simulations by using the authoring tool ITyStudio as an example to illustrate our words.
by Yann Teyssier
December 22, 2015 | Sponsored

10 Tips To Create Learning Simulations For Non-Game Designers

At the first glance, creating learning simulations seems really appealing: This is about catching most of learners’ attention, this is about interactivity, this is about new trends… Everything is like a fairy tale until… You actually try to make one! Creating the graphical environment (setting up your backgrounds, your characters), as well as creating your pedagogical structure (choosing evaluation criteria and feedbacks), to finally put every single piece of the puzzle altogether, usually asks a lot of effort, whether it is from you web design team, developers team, eLearning trainers, etc. And you end up finishing this tedious task with a lot of pain. And sometimes, the worst case scenario: The outcome isn’t that good! Your learners don’t really identify themselves to the training; there are bugs here and there in the learning simulations. Anyway, if you have always been dreaming about creating engaging learning simulations, but felt overwhelmed with all the technical stuff, you should read this article.
by Yann Teyssier
November 2, 2015

Virtual Reality: The Fad Will Fade

In this second geek article I argue that virtual reality may end up being a flop. The reason is not because the industry may not get enough traction, or not because all that electronic stuff is simply too close to the brain; for me, it’s the brazen attempt to hijack the brain itself.
by Chris Alexander
August 17, 2015

Simulations And Games: Making Learning Fun!

Regardless of our age, playing with simulators (e.g. stock market investment, driving or flight simulators) and games (Starcraft, Hearts of Iron, World of Warcraft) always puts us on the path to learning and experiencing new things. That is because if our objective is to “win” the game, then we need to explore and learn the “system” in order to beat it. That is exactly what Game-Based Learning (GBL) is all about. In this article I will cover the types of game-based learning as well as the benefits of simulations and games. In addition, I will mention some of the tools that can be used to build eLearning games and simulations. Lastly, I will discuss how you can incorporate “gamification” into your eLearning content.
by Marina Arshavskiy