Social Learning Tips

Find the latest Social Learning Tips articles. Definition, best practices and all you need to know about Social Learning Tips, written by our top eLearning authors. Find out more into eLearning Industry database!

December 9, 2017

The Neuroscience Of Social Learning

A lot of very clever people have dedicated their lives to understanding the inner workings of our brains. We’ve gathered together some of the very best research to help you better understand the neuroscience of social learning!
by Juliette Denny
November 22, 2017

Social Is Sexy: 11 Reasons Why You Need An Informal Learning Strategy

Believe it or not, today’s best learning experiences aren’t happening in the classroom. They’re happening out there in the world, as individuals take new information on board in a variety of different contexts. At this very moment in time, somebody is learning that standing on a garden rake leads to a great deal of pain. And they learned this without opening a single workbook. That’s the magic of informal learning.
by Juliette Denny