Virtual Learning Environment

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September 28, 2017

4 Common Virtual Reality Myths Debunked

Virtual Reality, or else VR, is all around us and offers new ways of interaction, visiting and experiencing new surroundings and situations. Is Virtual Reality the Holy Grail for training and development or how can we really benefit from this new medium?
by Detlef La Grand
March 30, 2017

5 Virtual Classroom Essentials Τhat End Multitasking

Virtual classroom learners have a world of information at their fingertips. Unless you, the facilitator, keep them engaged, they’re going to check email, sports scores, and fashion trends. These 5 virtual classroom essentials keep learners interested, focused, and motivated.
by Tim Coffey
January 3, 2017

3 Instructional Design Strategies For Virtual Reality Learning

As the field of instructional technology pivots quickly to Virtual Reality, online learning developers must chose the correct strategy for creating the Virtual Reality learning experience. Otherwise learners will have a “cool” experience in the Virtual Reality environment, but not have tangible learning results.
by Karl Kapp