5 Tell-Tale Signs That You Need To Update Online Training Content

5 Tell-Tale Signs That You Need To Update Online Training Content

5 Tell-Tale Signs That You Need To Update Online Training Content

5 Indicators You Need To Update Online Training Content

It's never easy to critique your own work. You've spent a lot of time and resources to develop the ideal online training course for your organization. But there may come a time when your carefully crafted online training content needs a makeover. The secret is knowing when to go back to the drawing board. Waiting too long can diminish the quality of your online training course and compromise the online training experience. Here are 5 warning signs that it may be time to update your online training content.

1. Assessment Results Stay The Same

Do your pre-assessments and final exams results look strangely familiar? The goal of ANY online training course is to enact meaningful change. And your online training assessments are usually a good indicator of this change. Therefore, your employees should show signs of progress in the final exam. For instance, they successfully bridge a performance gap or improve their product knowledge.

The pre-assessment serves as a starting point, a benchmark that allows you to track individual growth. You're able to see what employees know now versus what they need to learn. You can then use your LMS metrics to identify patterns and trends upon completion. For example, reports reveal that 50% of your employees have the same "pain points" at the end of the online training course. As such, you may need to rethink your corporate eLearning strategy and analyze the corresponding areas of your online training program.

2. Your Corporate Learners Lack Motivation, Interest, Or Enthusiasm

You can tell a lot from your employees' reactions to the online training course. Do they get enthusiastic about the online training experience and look forward to every module? Or do they dread every step of the process and lack motivation? There are many reasons why your employees may be disinterested in online training. However, one of the most common causes is the online training design, itself.

You must create engaging online training content that appeals to employees on an individual level. This includes compelling images, audio, and interactive materials. The hallmark of a truly successful online training course is its ability to connect with people. Even the most unmotivated employee cannot resist a serious game or interactive scenario. You must provide employees with the inspiration they need to fuel their own motivation and drive. That's what differentiates effective online training from the rest.

3. Employees Are Unable To Put Their Knowledge Into Practice

All the facts and stats in the world don't do any good if they lack real world application. Your employees should be able to use every piece of information and skill they acquire in real world settings to overcome relevant challenges that they face on a regular basis. Branching scenarios, online training simulations, and case studies are the ideal tools to facilitate this process. These online training activities allow your employees to practice what they learn so that they can apply it in the workplace.

Otherwise, you won't be able to recoup your online training investment and employees aren't able to get the job done. As such, you experience higher turnover rates and need to spend even more to train new hires. The bottom line is that you online training isn't just about acquiring information, but learning how to use it in context.

4. Your Staff Is Stressed From Beginning To End

Employees already deal with enough stress on a daily basis. They don't need your online training course adding to it. There are various things that can contribute to this stress. A cluttered online training course design, information overload, lengthy online training modules, and complex subject matter are just a few. The key is to make it as simple and easily digestible as you can for your corporate learners. Use visual representations and bite-sized activities to improve comprehension. Choose colors, fonts, and graphics that foster a positive online training environment.

You can also create personalized online training plans and clickable course maps to make learning more flexible. In addition, it's important to clarify expectations in advance and provide employees a general overview. That way they know what's in store and there aren't any stressful surprises. Another way to cultivate positive training conditions is to tap into the power of collaborative learning. Start an online forum or social media group where employees can vent, share ideas, and express concerns.

5. Employees Are Passive Observers Instead Of Active Participants

Are your employees sitting on the sidelines? Or do they play an active role in your online training program? Every member of your staff should feel like they are part of a larger community. They require continual support and access to online resources in order to bridge gaps and build essential skills. First and foremost, you have to welcome employee feedback during every step of the process. That includes online training development.

Host monthly webinars to boost participation, or create a corporate eLearning blog to keep your employees in the loop. Lastly, ensure that every aspect of your online training course caters to their needs and goals. Participation is fueled by motivation, and motivation by relevancy. Ultimately, employees look for customized online training content that makes their work life easier. That is what drives them to get up from the sidelines and jump into the game.

Do you recognize any of these 5 tell-tale signs in your online training course? If so, then it may be worthwhile to evaluate your current online training strategy and pinpoint areas for improvement. The good news is that you can use this article to make the necessary changes and give your employees the best possible online training experience.

Does your organization have the resources to implement an online training program? More importantly can you afford NOT to? Read the article Can Your Organization Afford Online Training? 5 Major Costs Involved to discover the 5 major costs involved in online training development.

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