8 Tips To Collect Customer Feedback And Improve Your LMS Marketing Strategy

8 Tips To Collect Customer Feedback And Improve Your LMS Marketing Strategy

8 Tips To Collect Customer Feedback And Improve Your LMS Marketing Strategy

How To Collect Customer Feedback And Improve Your LMS Marketing Strategy

Do you know what customers are looking for in your LMS platform? Are current clients happy with their investment, or are they experiencing a slight case of buyer’s regret? If so, how can you improve your LMS product to stay competitive and retain your market share? Gathering input from your target audience is a crucial part of your company’s success. Here are 8 tips to help you collect customer feedback and improve your LMS marketing strategy.

1. Start A Social Media Group For Existing Clients

Closed social media groups are a great perk for loyal clients who are looking for extra support or vendor tips. They also allow you to gather direct feedback from customers who are already familiar with your LMS product, as well as the LMS marketing strategies that prompted them to purchase your platform, to begin with. For example, which articles or ads introduced them to your brand and why they chose to sign up for the demo.

2. Create Opt-Ins That Feature A Quick Poll

Instead of just asking for the usual name and email address, request subscribers to take a quick poll. This allows them to opt in for your mailing list in exchange for free items, such as an LMS free trial or eBook. However, you also gain valuable feedback regarding their needs, buying habits, and objectives. Inquire as to why they are interested in your LMS product and its intended application, as well as if they are currently using another tool, and their main reason for switching.

3. Host A Live Customer-Appreciation Event

Schedule a live webinar or social media event to show your appreciation to loyal customers. Invite a select group of users who represent different aspects of your target market. For example, a handful of L&D managers from larger organizations, as well as some startup companies. This gives you the opportunity to get different perspectives because everyone has unique needs and reasons for investing in your LMS. During the event, invite questions and comments but don’t forget to reward your customers for their loyalty by offering a free guide or bonus software as a parting gift.

4. Start A Tips And Tricks Blog

Start a blog that’s dedicated to tips and advice on how to get the most from your LMS. Not only will this bring new customers in but it will also serve as a valuable resource for existing clientele. You can cover everything from how to incorporate branding elements to identifying online training pain points using the reporting features. The key is to welcome feedback by asking questions or inviting comments from the crowd. Another option is to invite guest posters to share their unique insights. That way, you don’t have to bear the burden of writing all the articles yourself. However, you still offer your audience value-added content.

5. Include A Feedback Form On Your Site

Certain customers may want to voice their opinions or ask questions privately. In this case, a feedback form gives them the ability to provide input directly. Post links to your form on social media so that they won’t have to search for it. You can also pin the link to the top of your online forum or LMS home page.

6. Launch A Company YouTube Channel

Lights, camera, LMS marketing, action! Launch your own YouTube channel to promote new LMS products and provide free online training tutorials for customers. A channel can also help you generate new leads, as prospects can familiarize themselves with your brand beforehand. Instead of merely reading about the benefits of your LMS platform, they can view them firsthand. For example, publish videos that explore the user dashboards or teach users how to migrate their data. Invite them to subscribe and leave their comments to gather feedback. You can also track the number of likes for each video and then concentrate on the most popular topics or even create an entire video series to keep them coming back for more.

7. Host A Focus Group

Ask a select group of customers to try out your newest LMS product or add-on, then conduct a focus group. Create targeted questions to focus on areas of improvement and develop your unique selling points. Then use the data to customize your LMS marketing strategy. If you don’t want to conduct a face-to-face feedback session, invest in a video conferencing platform. This also gives you the chance to follow up with participants one on one. As an example, if someone was particularly unhappy with the dashboard layout or User Interface, you could schedule a meeting with this individual to get their honest input privately and see where you can improve.

8. Check Your Site Stats

Site stats provide you with concrete figures regarding visitor engagement and conversions. As such, you can determine which content is on point and deserves more attention. For instance, an article about maximizing the reporting features saw a surge in site visitors. This indicates that you may want to focus on analytics in upcoming articles to give readers what they’re looking for. You can also monitor external link stats to determine where traffic is originating. Then concentrate on those platforms, such as publishing more articles on a partner website that welcomes guest contributors.

Giving customers the opportunity to voice their opinions not only provides you with valuable feedback but enhances brand loyalty. They know that your LMS company respects their input and goes above and beyond to provide the best product. You can use this article to improve your LMS marketing strategy and expand your customer base through the power of audience research.

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