8 Tips To Create Engaging Mandatory Online Training

8 Tips To Create Engaging Mandatory Online Training

8 Tips To Create Engaging Mandatory Online Training

How To Create Engaging Mandatory Online Training

The mere thought of mandatory training strikes fear into the hearts of employees. Maybe ‘fear’ is too strong, but boredom and drowsiness are definite possibilities. This is particularly true for compliance topics that involve a great deal of regulations and policies. Fortunately, there are ways to make your obligatory online training course exciting and engaging for your remote workforce. The following 8 tips can help you overcome the most common challenges and create engaging mandatory online training.

1. Incorporate Game Mechanics To Boost Motivation

Certain employees are ready to dive into training regardless of the subject matter. They know that mandatory training is part of the L&D package. They participate, even if it’s not the most enthralling experience. Then there are those who need an extra nudge. These individuals lack the necessary motivation, which is a common pitfall of mandatory training. As such, you may need to incorporate game mechanics into your mandatory online training strategy, such as badges and points for each online training activity they successfully complete. The secret is choosing gamification elements that align with corporate learner preferences and reward desired behaviors.

2. Provide Immediate Feedback To Target Personal Gaps

A significant advantage of eLearning is that it allows for immediate, personalized feedback. Employees take an online test or participate in a virtual simulation, and the system highlights areas for improvement right away. This is in stark contrast to traditional training, wherein feedback is often delayed while online assessments are manually graded, and evaluation reports are compiled.

3. Use Multimedia To Increase Employee Engagement

Employees may find it difficult to engage with the mandatory training content, especially when it comes in the form of printed manuals that feature legal or technical jargon. But eLearning gives you the ability to integrate multimedia that engages and entertains employees, such as demo videos or online presentations that allow them to observe and mimic compliance-related tasks. There is one caveat to using multimedia in your mandatory online training, which is to strike a balance between entertainment and enlightenment. Incorporate images, videos, and graphics in moderation, and always ensure that it supports the subject matter instead of distracting employees from the learning objectives.

4. Improve Real-World Application Through Interactive Simulations

Another pitfall of mandatory training is that employees memorize the information, but they don’t know how to use it. At least, not in a real-world setting. Interactive simulations help them transition from theory to practice while building experience. These engaging online training activities also highlight personal strengths and weaknesses so that they can continually improve. For example, an online training simulation makes them aware of a skill gap that was previously undisclosed.

5. Evaluate LMS Metrics To Identify Training Pain Points

Most modern Learning Management Systems offer an abundance of mandatory training data. LMS reports help you evaluate every aspect of the mandatory online training program, including employee participation, engagement, and eLearning assessment results. As such, you have the opportunity to identify training gaps that require your immediate attention. LMS metrics also serve another important purpose: They allow you to create individualized online training resources that foster a connection with your remote workforce instead of deploying a one-size-fits-all online training course that lacks relevance.

6. Use A Responsive Design Tool To Improve Accessibility

Traditional mandatory training courses involve face-to-face instruction and scheduled training sessions. They are formal by nature, and employees must make room in their schedules to get the information they require. On the other hand, eLearning allows them to access mandatory online training tools whenever, wherever. Especially when you use a responsive design tool to deploy multiplatform-friendly online training content. The system automatically detects the user’s device and displays the most suitable version.

7. Cater To Different Learning Preferences

Traditional mandatory training courses often make the mistake of delivering the takeaways in a standardized format. For instance, everyone is expected to absorb the information by reading a manual or listening to a lecture. The issue is that every employee who logs into the system needs something different from the online training experience. It is mandatory training and everyone must achieve the same learning objectives to reach the desired results. However, they go about it in different ways. Some prefer audio content, such as podcasts, while others assimilate information more effectively when it’s in a visual format, like a video demo or graph. For this reason, your mandatory online training course must honor diversity and cater to a broad range of learning preferences.

8. Create A Just-In-Time Online Support Library

Another major mandatory training pitfall is treating mandatory online training like a one-time occurrence. Employee development is an ongoing process. As such, they require ongoing support to bridge the gaps and build vital skills. A just-in-time online support library features microlearning online training resources that cater to employees’ needs. They can access the online training materials to autonomously improve understanding and expand knowledge instead of waiting until the next training session. For example, an employee forgets the product features or specs a week after they complete the mandatory online training module. They’re able to login to the microlearning online training repository and view video demos or infographics to refresh their memory. A secondary benefit of this is greater convenience, which also boosts employee motivation and engagement.

eLearning has the power to make your mandatory online training more personalized and accessible. As a result, every member of your team gets the information they need to work on individual areas for improvement, whether it is brushing up on compliance knowledge or bridge performance gaps. Learning technologies can help you overcome the most common obstacles and achieve the desired outcomes.

Are you anxious about the success of your next compliance online training course? Read the article 8 Secrets To Spark Excitement In Compliance Online Training to discover 8 secrets to get your employees enthusiastic about your next mandatory compliance online training course.

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